Garden fern

Forest and garden ferns look quite similar. Dense foliage, rich green color, splendor - that's what gardeners love this plant for. In our latitudes, such varieties as the dumbfoot adiantum, Japanese larch, the multi-strand bristle, the common ostrich, the centipede mongrel, the stall and the metallicum are very popular. Correctly selected fern in the garden will become a real decoration of the personal plot landscapes.

Planting a fern

The easiest way to acquire a fern is to dig a bush in the forest and plant it on your plot. If the plant does not grow in the surrounding forests, it remains either to buy seedlings in the store, or to grow it yourself from the dispute. Disputes can also be purchased at the store, as well as ask the friends of the summer residents or collect from the forest bush. The task is simple: lay a packet or sheet of paper under a sporiferous sheet, scrape off the spores from the sheet, dry the mass for a week, separate the spores from the debris, and it's ready! After this, the disputes are ready for sowing.

Further, the reproduction of the garden fern will occur at home. The substrate for sprouting spores must be disinfected and slightly heated in a water bath. In a container with a substrate, spores are sown, watered, and then covered with a film. While disputes do not germinate, they should not be watered. The optimum temperature is about 24 degrees. After a couple of weeks you will see a green coating on the surface of the substrate - this is sprouted spores. Picks will be necessary if the distance between individual plants is less than one centimeter. When the spores in diameter increase to 6 centimeters, it will be necessary to spray the plants. In a week you will notice the first leaves, but on vayi they are completely different. If necessary, a pick is performed. When the leaves of the fern grow to 8 centimeters, gradually accustom them to growth without a film, and spraying is now conducted up to 3 times a week. You can transplant a fern into a garden when the earth warms up well.

Before planting and successfully growing a fern in the garden, find a shady place for him. It's good if there are stumps nearby, large stones or big trees. But the soil must be moist, but without stagnation of water. Planting and growing a fern in the garden begins with the preparation of a pit, into which a mixture of peat, earth and coarse sand should be covered (2: 2: 1). After good watering, a fern plunges into the hole together with an earthy "native" lump. Roots spread, sprinkle with a good ground and lightly knead.

Care of the fern

After planting, care for the fern garden is reduced to watering and spraying. To prevent moisture from evaporating too quickly, it's worthwhile to ground the ground around the bush.

Once in two or three years the fern needs to be transplanted and renewed, that is, to remove faded wai. In cold winters, the plant should be covered with peat or dry foliage. But the feeding is completely unnecessary! In addition, fern garden disease and pests are not afraid. As you can see, there are no difficulties in cultivating the garden fern on the plot. But its unusual and decorative will be an excellent solution for creating an original backyard landscape. With its help you will decorate the banks of your own reservoirs (artificial lakes, pools, ponds). Garden fern will hide boring or damaged walls of houses, if planted plants along them. In addition, this plant gives incredible opportunities for creating unusual floral compositions, rutaries and rockeries .