Diet with gastritis in children

In our time, gastritis has become increasingly common among young children. The main causes of the development of this disease in children are incorrect and not rational nutrition, as well as stresses of a different nature that children often encounter in kindergarten or at school.

The main symptoms of gastritis are sudden heaviness and pain in the stomach during eating or, conversely, when there is a feeling of hunger. In addition, frequent signs of the disease are nausea, vomiting, heartburn and other unpleasant symptoms. In order to reduce inflammation of the gastric mucosa, from the first day of exacerbation of gastritis in the child, it is necessary to achieve maximum shivering of the gastrointestinal tract under mechanical, chemical and thermal influences. Therefore, in addition to medicines, in the treatment of gastritis in children, special attention is paid to dietary nutrition.

Diet with gastritis in children

Therapeutic dietary nutrition is a rational diet that can also enhance the therapeutic effect of medicines. Therefore, in the first place, it is important to properly organize the diet, as well as ensure the freshness of food and consumed dishes.

The child should receive food 5 times a day, strictly at the same time, in small portions. Food for gastritis in children should consist of a soft, easily digestible food of a comfortable temperature. At the same time, dishes and foods must be excluded, which can stimulate the secretion of the stomach and irritate its shell - broths from fatty meat and fish varieties, carbonated drinks, fried, spicy or salty foods, as well as coffee, tea, flour products, spices and sauces.

What to feed a child with gastritis?

Some doctors recommend that you generally refuse to eat for the first 6-12 hours. During this period, the child can receive cool drinks in the form of weak tea or simple boiled water, but from different types of juice is better to abstain.

In the menu for gastritis in children must be present liquid food in the form of mucous soups, pureed, carefully ground with a blender or wiped through a sieve, as well as various cereals, kissels and mousses. In addition, dairy and sour-milk products of medium fat content, vegetable and butter, boiled eggs, as well as protein foods in the form of steamed or stewed dietary meat or fish fillets should be included in the daily diet of the child. Vegetables are recommended to be given to the child in boiled or stewed form, and fruits can be used to prepare various desserts.