Viburkol with teething

When the baby starts to erupt the first teeth , mom should be patient and some drugs to help the crumb survive this period. High fever , excessive salivation and general malaise almost always accompany the appearance of another tooth. Homeopathic suppositories of viburkol are often prescribed by pediatricians to alleviate the condition of the baby.

Viburkol: composition

The given preparation is issued only in the form of suppositories (candles). Each vibucrol suppository contains:

Viburicol suppositories: application

To understand why the candles of viburkol are prescribed for teething, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the principle of its action. It is a homeopathic drug that enhances enzymatic activity, which accelerates the binding of toxins. This makes it possible in a short time to strengthen the work of the body's defense system. Thus, viburkol during teething has anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic and soothing effect.

It is also worth noting that all the forces of the body in this period are aimed at the eruption process, because the immune system is very vulnerable. Often against the background of the appearance of another tooth a child picks up various infections. Viburkol for teething is prescribed in order to help the body cope with external stimuli and prevent the development of disease.

Often the appearance of teeth is accompanied by a feverish condition of the baby. The drug helps to lower the temperature and has a lytic effect: the need for oxygen decreases, which helps to eliminate fever. By lowering the temperature and eliminating the pain syndrome, the remedy effectively removes irritation in the crumbs and makes it possible to sleep with the mother and baby at night.

How to put Viburkol suppositories?

Take the drug rectally. If the symptoms are severe and the child urgently needs help, take one candle every half hour, but no more than two hours in a row. The usual dose is two to three times a day for one suppository. Viburkol for babies (from birth to six months) give twice a day one suppository for acute conditions, in the future the dose is half the candle twice a day. The course of treatment lasts from three days to two weeks, it all depends on the condition and age of the patient.

Viburkol: side effects

Like any other remedy, only the specialist should prescribe the homeopathic suppository. The fact is that the only contraindication is the individual intolerance of one of the components in the composition of the drug, therefore in some cases the allergic reaction of the organism can be a side effect.

Also it should be remembered that during the reception of some homeopathic remedies symptoms may worsen. If you are faced with this when teething, then the reception of Vibuncol candles should immediately stop and contact your pediatrician. This drug is prescribed in conjunction with the rest of the means to relieve the symptoms in the child, since it does not affect the effects of other drugs.