Baby teeth in children

Milk teeth of the child are vulnerable enough because of the lack of a dense layer of enamel, it is quickly destroyed by lactic acid, which produces harmful bacteria. As a rule, mothers often face two problems of baby teeth in children: blackening and crumbling.

How to avoid problems with baby teeth?

Most often, the fact that the baby's black teeth turn black leads to caries. In addition, poor nutrition, poor ecology, heredity, insufficiently thorough oral hygiene can lead to dullness of the teeth. Along with blackening caries can lead to the fact that the child will begin to crumble his teeth. To avoid these problems, remember the main rules:

Start training crumbs properly to care for the teeth should be as early as possible. Somewhere by 2.5 years, the number of baby teeth in children reaches 20, by this time you need to clearly work out a system of oral care. However, all individually, and delay-advance for several months is not critical. The total number of baby teeth in children is formed in the following order: first 8 incisors (central and lateral), then the first radical and second molars (8 teeth), in the interval between the roots, the canines erupt (4 teeth).

Changing baby teeth in children

The loss of milk teeth in children begins with 5-6 years. Change occurs, starting with the lower jaw (the first lower lower central ones fall out). The teeth fall out in the same order in which they grew up. When a permanent tooth begins to grow, it slowly destroys the root of the milk, until it begins to wobble and falls. Loss of baby teeth in children is always accompanied by a lot of fears in moms: how much it hurts, what can you eat during this period, what to do if a child swallows a milk tooth? As for the last question, it is not worth worrying, after a while the tooth will just come out with the feces. The loss of baby teeth in children is a natural process, so nature has made sure that everything goes smoothly. But there are cases when you have to resort to the removal of baby teeth in children:

This issue should be solved only by a specialist, because independent intervention can lead to unpleasant problems (infections and inflammation of the oral cavity). Before you remove the baby's milk tooth, prepare it mentally, after the procedure, be sure to ask the dentist how to take care of the oral cavity after removal.

Where to put the dying baby tooth?

Many mothers decide to leave the "trophy" as a souvenir: where else should the first milk tooth be delivered, if not to the casket with important relics - the first pacifier, a string of hair or the first paschka? But if you are not so sentimental, then just throw out the milk tooth so that it does not get into the baby's food.