Diphtheria in children - symptoms

Diphtheria is referred to as acute dangerous infectious diseases. There is inflammation of the skin in places where there are cuts and abrasions. In addition, diphtheria in children is manifested as an inflammation of the upper respiratory tract. An experienced doctor is easy to recognize the disease, and parents, unfortunately, often do not know how to distinguish angina from diphtheria. Therefore, the treatment can be chosen incorrectly.

By itself, diphtheria is a danger not only local lesions of the skin and mucous membranes. The fact is that the diphtheria of the larynx (pharynx) in children is characterized by increased production of dangerous toxins in the body. Accumulating, they provoke general intoxication, it affects the work of the cardiovascular and nervous systems. Diphtheria is especially dangerous for children who have not been vaccinated against this disease. In such patients, the disease always proceeds in a complicated form.

Symptoms of the disease

The diphtheria clinic in children originates from sick people or those who carry these bacteria, because the disease is transmitted exclusively by airborne droplets. The toxins that enter the body are carried by blood to the organs. They amaze, first of all, the nervous system, kidneys, heart muscle. If the toxin concentration is high, the likelihood of a lethal outcome is not excluded. It is for this reason, having noticed the first signs of diphtheria in children, you should contact specialists. Immediately note that the symptoms of diphtheria in children depend on the form of the disease. So, the disease can manifest as follows:

However, there are general symptoms. So, in the first days in a child with diphtheria there is a fever. In addition, the focus of inflammation begins to produce a purulent discharge. Fibrinous plaque is noted in diphtheria of the pharynx. It has a grayish color, which is associated with a high content of corynebacteria. These films are dangerous because they grow rapidly, making breathing more difficult. It is for this reason that diphtheria in children is confused with angina , because the tonsils increase in size and get a bright red color. Sometimes inflammation affects not only the tonsils, but also the soft palate, tongue, arches. Remember, with angina, there is always a high fever and sore throat, and for diphtheria such symptoms are not characteristic.

In rare cases, with diphtheria, a rash appears on the skin. So the body reacts to the toxins that attack it. This rash itself does not need treatment. In severe cases, a child may complain of nausea, tear. He becomes listless and apathetic.

Tips for parents

Diphtheria is not a disease that can be treated at home using folk remedies! The life of the baby is under threat, therefore Call for a doctor - a mandatory measure!

The effectiveness of treatment depends on the time of administration of antitoxic serum against diphtheria. If it is introduced in the first hours after infection, the toxins do not have time to reach the internal organs. However, such situations are an exception, and the introduction of the drug even during the first day does not guarantee the absence of any kind of complications. Unfortunately, this happens most often.

Along with antidiphtheria serum, antibacterial drugs that reduce bacterial activity are also prescribed. In addition, the doctor necessarily appoints detoxification preparations that help eliminate toxins and reduce their negative effects on the child's body.