DTP vaccination - transcript

Whether to do or not to have a DTP vaccine is one of the most difficult questions that young parents will have to solve after completing their baby for 3 months. Indeed, this vaccine is the most dangerous of all, which the newborn child has to make, and can cause the most serious consequences. Meanwhile, it protects against childhood infectious diseases, complications after which can be much worse.

Today, more and more parents are inclined to choose similar vaccines of foreign manufacturers, which cause minimal complications and are much more easily tolerated by young children. Let's understand what the DTP vaccine is, how this abbreviation stands, and what vaccine should be preferred.

Decoding of the name of the DPT vaccination

So, the decoding of the term "DTP" - pertussis pertussis-diphtheria-tetanus vaccine adsorbed. This means that this vaccine is designed to protect the children's body from serious infectious diseases - pertussis, diphtheria and tetanus. All these diseases are very severe and easily transmitted by airborne or by contact. Especially often they are exposed to children before the execution of 2 years. The word "adsorbed" in this case means that the antigens of this vaccine are sorbed on substances that enhance and prolong antigenic irritation.

The most dangerous component of DPT vaccination is the pertussis component. It is he who can cause incredibly serious consequences for the newborn baby's body, because it affects the child's brain. In connection with this, children who were born with brain hypoxia or other birth trauma, often get vaccinated with ADS-M, in which this component is absent. Meanwhile, this vaccine does not protect the child from this terrible disease, so it is better to choose acellular vaccines of foreign manufacturers, which include a purified pertussis component that causes much less complications for the body.

How many times and at what age do DTP vaccinations take place?

The very first inoculation of DPT is done by the baby immediately after he is 3 months old. The second and third - not earlier than 30, but not later than 90 days after the previous one. Finally, one year after the third vaccination, DTP revaccination is performed . Thus, vaccination against diphtheria, pertussis and tetanus is carried out in four stages.

In addition, the vaccine against tetanus and diphtheria will have to be repeated at 7 and 14 years. It is also necessary to be revaccinated every 10 years, already being in adulthood. Here, the pertussis component is not used.

Which vaccine should I choose?

At present, vaccination with a whole-cell DTP vaccine of Russian origin is provided free of charge. Meanwhile, for weakened babies or children with chronic diseases, a French-made vaccine Pentaxim can be used for free. This vaccine not only protects the child's body from the above diseases, but is also carried out for the prevention of poliomyelitis and hemophilia infection. Complications from such a vaccine appear in a small percentage of children, but before and within 3 days after taking antihistamines is recommended to exclude possible allergic reactions.

In addition, for a fee in various medical centers, your baby can be supplied with other foreign vaccines. For example, the vaccine Tetrakok French production includes protection from diphtheria, pertussis and tetanus, as well as poliomyelitis. Belgian Infanriks-Hexa and Tritanrichs additionally are a preventive measure against hepatitis B. Also on the pharmaceutical market you can find a very high-quality drug produced in Germany, the Triazeluvax KDS. All of the above vaccines, except Tetrakok, have a cell-free pertussis component, as described earlier, which means that it is easier to carry over to small children.

In any case, which vaccine to choose and whether to do the vaccination at all, in each case, the parents decide. If you can not decide on your own, consult a pediatrician.