Deprivation of parental rights - grounds

The creation of a social cell entails the emergence of the four legal responsibilities that expand with the emergence of children. Deprivation of the parental rights of the father and / or mother, the reasons and grounds for which are indicated on the state level, is one of its subspecies. This measure is cardinal and exclusive, and its goal is to protect the rights of our children. Far from every man in the street is aware of what is being deprived of parental rights. And the urgency of this problem is growing, because children, unfortunately, are increasingly the "tool" of blackmail with increasing divorce rates. By the way, this is often the case with eminent and wealthy people.


All the conditions and grounds entailing the deprivation of parental rights are described in normative acts (the main one is the Family Code). It is worth noting that this may be caused by the unlawful behavior of the parent, and by his inaction.

The list, which sets out all types of unlawful acts and conduct that is the basis for the deprivation of parental rights, includes six subparagraphs:

  1. Evasion (including malicious) from fulfilling the duties of the parent . Parents do not consider it necessary to constantly take care of the proper upbringing of the children, their development, health, and training. In addition, this punishment follows and in the absence of adequate provision of the child with household and material benefits without valid reasons. If the spouses are already divorced, and one of them should be paid child support, then their non-payment is also the basis for the deprivation of parental rights.
  2. Refusal of the child in the maternity home or other medical, educational or state institution. But in this case, the true reasons are always considered. If the crumb has physical and (or) mental pathologies and is in the institution of social protection, there is no reason for the deprivation of parental rights.
  3. Abuse of rights. If mama and dad use their own rights against the interests of the child, they must be deprived of these rights. It is about the conscious creation of barriers to education, encouragement to prostitution, drug addiction, alcoholism, extortion, begging and so on.
  4. The presence of a medical report about a parent's illness with addiction or alcoholism. This ground for deprivation of rights is the most common. A small person can not fully develop if an emotionally unhealthy atmosphere has been created in the family, because most of the time he is forced to provide himself. In addition, in a state of intoxication, such people often present real danger to their children.
  5. Ill-treatment and violence. Beatings, constant threats, moral oppression, attempted sexual inviolability, exploitation, humiliation and rudeness - all this is to deprive parental rights cause. A similar punishment also follows when using in the process of education the law unacceptable methods that harm the adequate development of the child. And even this the law is not limited: some acts lead to the initiation of a criminal case against such parents!
  6. Committing an intentional (planned) crime directed against the health or life of another spouse or child. This includes not only assassination and beatings, but also torture, the deliberate bringing the child to an attempt at suicide and other unlawful acts.

Reasons for depriving parents of their rights are very serious, and therefore the decision on such punishment can only be taken by competent authorities and only after careful examination of all aspects of the situation.