Walnut: calorie content

The homeland of the walnut, as it turned out, is not Greece, but Central Asia and the Caucasus. And in our region it was already imported from the Balkan Peninsula, hence the name. In the benefit of the walnut, the very first healers - Hippocrates, Avicenna, Galen and Dioscorides - did not doubt. It is about the useful properties of walnut, and we will tell you today, not forgetting to give due attention and its calorie content.


Walnut is one of the richest representatives of omega-3 acids among the plant world. It contains linoleic, linolenic and oleic fatty acid.

As for vitamins, most of all in walnuts of vitamin C. Also in large quantities, it contains calcium, potassium, phosphorus, zinc, magnesium and iodine.

Walnut is rich in vegetable proteins, it keeps on meat with the meat, fish and dairy products at the same level.

Since it has few carbohydrates, the consumption of walnuts is not only acceptable, but also useful in diabetes.

Nuts will serve as a remarkable prevention of atherosclerosis. They prevent hardening of the arteries, and useful omega-3 fats fight harmful cholesterol.

The peel of the nuts is not inferior to the fruit itself: from the powder of dry peel, a blood-soaking agent was made, from burnt skin - dusting with burns. Also, the skin is applied with eczema, skin tuberculosis, lichen, fungi.

In folk medicine and to this day, broths from young walnuts from worms, nuts with honey are given in the treatment of the gastrointestinal tract, thrush and ulcers of the mucous membrane.

Caloric value

Caloric content of walnuts leaves much to be desired, if you are dieting. For 100 g of the product - 656 kcal. Given the love of hard mono diets, you could "sit" on a nut diet, and would be forced to spend the whole day 150 grams of nuts. Fat in nuts is really much - 61 g, and this is 109% of the daily rate. But no one asks you to eat 100 g daily. Scientists, confirming the immense benefit of walnuts, recommend eating 3 to 5 fruits a day.

Vitamin Bomb

Favorite cosmonauts' sweetness, which they call "pyatikalievym doping", or the abbreviation M-I-L-O-K, consists of honey, raisins, lemon, walnuts, dried apricots. To prepare this miracle helper with low immunity, high blood pressure and problems with the cardiovascular system, take dried fruits and honey in the same proportion, 3-4 lemon (4 kg mixture). Dried fruits, and cut, pass through the meat grinder. Lemon chop, and throw it there. Add honey to the mixture, mix it, transfer it to sterilized cans.

Every day should be eaten on a teaspoon before eating.

Calories in a walnut, although in abundance, but still less than in purchased sweets, and the benefits, of course, more. That's why, having weighed all the pros and cons, give preference to baking with nuts in the composition, and even more useful, the typical Georgian sweetness is the churchkhela (nuts in the grape syrup).


Although the rind of the mature nut and impresses with its hardness, but it is still not airtight. Through small invisible pores, oxygen penetrates inside. This is what makes it possible for the nut to ripen, but this is what leads to the fact that after a while, the nut is bitter. And the taste of bitterness just appears due to the oxidation of omega-3 fats. In order that this unpleasant smallness does not spoil the enjoyment of walnuts, it should be stored for no more than a year, in a shell, at a stable temperature of 15-20 ° C, indoors without foreign odors. And in order to clean the nuts was easier, before they split, put the nuts in a hot oven for 5 minutes.