How does the chest hurt during pregnancy?

In the period of expectation of the baby, serious changes occur in the woman's body, accompanied by the appearance of uncomfortable and painful sensations in various parts of the body. In particular, from the earliest date of pregnancy, the expectant mother may notice that her chest hurts.

How and why does the chest hurt in the early stages of pregnancy?

Most women note that at the beginning of pregnancy, their breasts ache as they do before menstruation, but a little more intensively. In both of these cases, the female breast increases in size, which is why unpleasant sensations arise. Meanwhile, with the onset of pregnancy in most expectant mothers, mammary glands grow very rapidly due to accumulation of fat mass.

This is due to the preparation of the body for the forthcoming production of breast milk for feeding the baby. Since breast augmentation is incredibly fast, connective tissues often do not have time to take the right position and are torn. In this situation, a woman often begins to experience a bursting pain that spreads across the surface of the mammary glands and often radiates into the area of ​​the arms or armpits. In addition, many future mothers note the occurrence of unpleasant tingling sensations.

Nipples are usually coarse with the onset of conception, and the areola around them acquires a darker shade. The skin on the chest begins to peel off, there is an itch and other unpleasant sensations. In addition, the mammary glands become unusually sensitive at the approach of the waiting period of the baby, so any, even the slightest touch to them can cause pain and discomfort.

In the first days after conception, suffering can be delivered even by stitches from a bra, so many women during this period are forced to buy seamless underwear. Some future mothers for this reason are disturbed by sleep, because any careless movement can provoke severe pain.

Finally, often at this time of the nipple is allocated sticky colostrum. If a woman does not keep her body clean enough, these emissions dry up and form a hard crust that can graze underwear, causing pain. To avoid this, you need to use special pads for the breasts, wash your breasts regularly without using detergents and periodically take short air baths.

Knowing how to breastfeed during pregnancy, a woman can guess about the onset of an "interesting" situation at the earliest possible date. Nevertheless, in most cases, future mothers confuse these feelings with signs of premenstrual syndrome, and therefore do not give them due importance.

How long does the chest hurt during pregnancy?

As a rule, the chest during pregnancy hurts until the end of the first trimester. Usually by 10-12 weeks the pain is dulled and disappears or disturbs the expectant mother only with short-term moments. Nevertheless, it should be understood that the body of each woman is individual, so the nature and duration of pain can be different.

In some women, mammary glands grow in size throughout the waiting period of the baby, so the pain is preserved until the very birth. In addition, some future mothers get so used to their new position that they do not notice any discomfort.

Finally, it is worth noting that in rare cases, pain in the mammary glands during pregnancy is absent. Usually women who find themselves in such a situation, because of changes in their breasts, feel the approach of menstruation, and the absence of such changes pushes them to the idea of ​​a possible pregnancy.