24th week of pregnancy - fetal development

At the 24th week of a normal pregnancy, fetal development continues, and it becomes like a newborn. His limbs, face and body due to the increase in subcutaneous fat become more rounded. The hairs on the eyebrows and eyelashes increase and are already clearly distinguishable on ultrasound images. Skin covers of the baby are covered with a thick layer of original grease, and their color gradually turns from red to pink.

Features of development

It is at the 24th week of pregnancy that the growth hormone begins to be synthesized in the fetal organism. Therefore from this moment there is a significant increase in the size of the limbs, head and body as a whole. By this time the crumbs have already formed and function well the senses. So, the child sees, feels touch, hears. Together with the development of the brain this leads to the fact that the baby begins to react to external stimuli. For example, he can frown, squint, turn away, also exercise limbs in response to irritation.

Negative emotions that mom feels are transmitted to her baby with the participation of humoral mechanisms. As a result, the child has a response to the stimulus, and the woman herself can feel his stirring. Since this kind of answer for a baby is much longer than that of a mother, a pregnant woman should avoid stressful situations.

In addition to all of the above, from this moment the baby starts preparing for childbirth. So, in its pituitary gland, vasopressin hormones are synthesized, as well as oxytocin.

At 24 weeks gestation, the fetus has the following dimensions: body length - 30 cm, head - 59.3, chest - 60 cm, and its weight is 600 g.

Condition of the pregnant woman

At this time, there is a risk of developing so-called pre - eclampsia of pregnant women , or, in other words, late toxicosis. Its main features can be:

These symptoms, as a rule, serve as a signal for the doctor, so the pregnant woman often has to come to see a gynecologist.

At 24 weeks gestation, fetal movements are already a common occurrence for the mother. So, for a day there may be 3 or more, depending on its activity at one time or another. In most cases, the gynecologist gives the pregnant woman a kind of "task", which consists in counting the number of movements per day. If their number is small - an ultrasound is performed to determine the cause.

Because of the constant growth of the baby, the belly of the expectant mother becomes more and more. Its circumference adds an average of 1 cm every week, and the pigmentation along the middle line only increases. In this case, the bottom of the uterus is already 24 cm from the pubis. The skin on the abdomen is stretched even more, so the pregnant woman should always pay attention to the prevention of stretch marks, using special oils and creams for this.

Special control at this time should be led by the appearance of puffiness, which is very often observed on the limbs of pregnant women. The reason for its appearance is that as a result of an increase in the size of the fetus, the blood vessels are compressed. As a result - poor blood circulation and the formation of edema of the legs .

At this time, some husbands, as well as relatives and relatives of the pregnant woman noted that the future mother is not interested in anything from what is happening around. This is explained by the fact that a dominant pregnancy is actively active in the woman's body, which is the focus of excitement. It is he who inhibits the actions of others, as a result of which the future mother is not interested in anything that is not related to pregnancy.