Parenting 2 years

When the second birthday of the baby is near, many parents are horrified to notice that their cute and obedient karapuz becomes absolutely unmanageable. Hysteria for any reason and without reason, endless leprosy, immense curiosity and the words "I myself" keep moms and dads in constant tension, leading literally to white heat. How to properly educate a two-year-old child and will be discussed in our article.

Principles of child upbringing 2 years

Raising a child 2 years - it's not at all simple, you will not be distracted by a new rattle, but you will not explain much. At this age the child is experiencing the first transitional crisis, the manifestations of which make the parents nervous. To keep your nerves and avoid unnecessary childhood tears, parents should adhere to the following rules how to raise a child 2 years:

  1. The upbringing of a two-year-old child requires consistency-if he has been allowed two years, he will not be obedient at the same time. And so the father and mother need to work out a unified system of prohibitions and incentives. If one of the parents has forbidden something, then the second does not in any way should allow this. The word "no", pronounced by the parents, must be final and unconditional.
  2. No matter how awful the child behaved, keep calm. Do not lose your temper every time the child is hysterical . The lesson is absolutely useless, because at that moment the child just does not hear you and does not see you. Firmly and calmly deprive the worn out kid of the audience - take him to another room or go out yourself. As soon as to give concerts there will be no one for whom, the child will calm down. When the calmed down kid comes to put up - hug and kiss him, tell me how you love him.
  3. A two-year-old is very difficult to switch quickly from one activity to another, so warn him about your plans in advance. For example, before leaving the playground, say to the little one, "Now you play a little more, we will collect toys and go home," and do not pull it out of the game dramatically.
  4. Give the child the right to choose. At this age, he can already choose what fairy tale he wants to hear before going to bed, or what kind of t-shirt he will wear for a walk. Remember that there should not be more than 2-3 items to choose from so that the kid does not get confused.
  5. Take for the rule of praising the child as often as possible: for obedience, attempts at home help, harnessed toys.
  6. Instead of the word "impossible", tell the child what he can do. For example, if you require a candy before dinner, say that he can eat an apple or a banana.
  7. Accustoming the child to the pot begins in the children around the age of a half-year-old age, until 4-5 years, "nedobeganiya" before him is absolutely normal. Do not be too shy to kid in the event of minor trouble.
  8. A two-year-old child needs a peer group for normal development. Let him at this age, he does not know how to play with other children, but learns a lot from them. If the kid does not visit the nursery yet, try to find the suitable company on the playground for him.
  9. Children at this age will know the world around them by means of a game, therefore, if you want to fix a child's skills (washing, acquaintance with other children) lose this situation with his favorite toys.
  10. At the age of 2, there is still no particular difference in how to educate a boy and a girl. Do not be upset if a two-year-old boy prefers girls' toys, dolls, strollers, and the girl can not be torn from cars and pistols. Similarly, there is no need to require the boy at such an age to restrain emotions under the motto "men do not cry."
  11. Remember that young children are very peremachivy. If you notice something annoying and incorrect in the child's behavior, you hear sharp words from his lips-take a good look first. Most likely, your child copies in this case you, his parents.