Material assistance for the birth of the child from the employer

The appearance of a baby generates serious financial costs, so for a young family with a child is very important any material assistance. Today in most modern states, including Ukraine and Russia, there are certain measures to encourage parents of newborn babies, related to the need to improve the demographic situation.

Such assistance is provided by the state, and the appropriate state bodies are responsible for calculating and paying benefits. However, those women who during the period of pregnancy performed labor activity, have the right to rely on financial support of the employer. In this article, we will tell you what kind of payments an employer makes when giving birth to a child, and how they can be obtained.

Payments by the employer at the birth of the child

Although the legislation of Russia and Ukraine does not provide for the employer's obligation to pay financial assistance to his employees at the time of the birth of a child, most companies on their behalf allocate a certain amount of money to a young family.

The amount of such a benefit can be anything, because it is not regulated by any government acts. As a rule, the conditions for the payment of lump-sum assistance at the time of the child's birth from the employer and its size are established by the management of a state or commercial organization and are fixed in an employment contract with each employee, a local normative act adopted by the management of the enterprise, or a collective agreement.

In most cases, in order to get a pleasant addition to your salary on the occasion of the birth of a baby, a young mother needs to turn to the employer's accounting department with her own handwritten statement and a photocopy of the birth certificate of the baby. In addition, often in this situation, the accountant can additionally request a certificate of the place of work of the second parent and his income.