What are needs, their types, classification, how do they influence the development of society?

What are the needs - each person answers this question in his own way, but in general there are such things in which all people are similar and need them equally - these basic needs can still be called vital, or vital.

What are human needs?

People from the very beginning of existence tried to create for themselves conditions of existence where one could feel safe and full, therefore the issue of survival and preservation of the species was the highest priority. Today, when in most countries of the world people feel more confident and relatively safe, the question of what human needs is again relevant? All that is directed to contact with the external environment to preserve the homeostasis of internal biological processes and there are needs.

From a psychological point of view, needs are a subjective state of need, in the event of which a person takes active actions aimed at satisfying the need. Needs form goals , desires, motives for action and are accompanied by the relevant situations of feelings and emotions. The lack of satisfaction of vital needs entails a threat to health and existence in general, negatively affects the human psyche.

The needs of man in Maslow

American psychologist-humanist A. Maslow in 1954 in his work "Motivation and Personality" set out a theory of needs, based on a hierarchical order. The hierarchy theory has repeatedly been criticized, but continues to be popular in management and among psychologists. Basic human needs for Maslow:

Types of human needs

What are the needs of a person - this issue is devoted to a lot of research by psychologists, sociologists, public figures. Classify the types of needs can be as follows:

The social needs of man

When basic human needs are met, his life is filled with meaning and desire to be useful to society. Social needs are conventionally divided:

  1. " For myself ." The basic here will be the desire of a person to realize himself in the society, identify himself and take a worthy place or position. Striving for power.
  2. " For others ." Service for the benefit of society, country. The need to protect the weak, the desire for altruism.
  3. " Together with others ." The need for unification to solve important tasks aimed at protecting or prospering a group or state.

Biological needs of humans

In order to understand what biological needs are, it is important to consider a person as an organism functioning in nature. In order for an individual to survive: food, water, air, sleep , heat - without such simple things, homeostasis is disrupted, which can lead to the death of the body. Primary human needs are divided into important and secondary:

Physiological needs of man

The parameters of homeostasis (internal environment) need the stability of the indicators. Biochemical processes occurring in the body determine the human needs in one form or another of food, natural conditions, climate. Physiological needs are a kind of biological needs in a more specific manifestation, for example, the optimal ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the food intake meets the generally accepted standards and is suitable for everyone. The lack of proteins can lead to muscular dystrophy.

Classification of human needs based on the physiological parameters of the body:

Spiritual needs of man

What are spiritual needs and are they peculiar to all people? It is believed that if a person is not satisfied with lower basic needs, then spiritual growth does not have to be said, all the forces are aimed at survival. But there are examples where people deliberately deprived themselves of comfort, enough food, chose the path of asceticism, in order to know the power of the spirit. There is an expression: "The fed heaven is not given!", But this does not mean that it is necessary to grow spiritually out of constraints, everyone has his own individual way.

What are the needs of the spirit and how they manifest themselves:

  1. The need for cognition . Striving for knowledge philosopher XVI century. M. Montaigne called the natural and integral need of the individual.
  2. Aesthetic need . Creative expression and desire to contemplate, create and enjoy the beautiful. The mastery of the world according to the laws of beauty, the development of a sense of harmony develops the spiritual subtlety of perception.
  3. The need to do good . A person striving for spirituality is guided by conscience, religious motives and accepted moral and ethical norms of society. Experiencing the need for good deeds, altruism , a person develops as a spiritual person.

Material needs of man

Man's striving for comfortable existence and moral satisfaction, that's what material needs are, but they come from biological needs and social self-realization. What are the material needs:

Ecological needs of man

Natural human needs are realized in direct contact with nature. Fresh air, clean water, a certain geographical landscape, climate are all components of the natural environment of a person. The society managed to protect itself from external negative influences by means of various technical devices, for example, water, passes several degrees of purification before it flushes from the tap. Man has a very strong influence on the environment both in saving ways, and destroying.

Ecological needs are related to biological needs and ensure the life of a person, therefore it is important to cultivate from childhood the ecological needs of a high level:

Prestigious human needs

What are prestigious needs and to whom do they belong? Social needs are no less important than biological needs. Man is a social being and can not fully develop outside society. Recognition and honor for the individual is the result of work and competence. But for someone it is natural to be an ordinary employee of the company and receive letters and encouragement, for others high ambitions and striving for prestige are needed as air. What are prestigious needs in reality:

What are false needs?

True and false human needs - such a division is based on what is important and necessary and what is seen as important and necessary. False needs are laid down in childhood through parents who "know" for the child what he needs to do, on what circles or sections to walk. Such needs are unconscious projections for the child and are based on the dissatisfaction of the basic needs of the parents. Later, when a person is already an adult, he is inertially guided by the opinion of other people.

Unrealized aspirations and desires can lead to a desire for satisfaction through the formation of other, destructive needs:

How do people's needs influence the development of society?

The needs of modern man in the modern society have gone far beyond those that were a hundred years ago. Hierarchically, they remained the same, but the development of progress led to an expansion of opportunities for improving everyday life, security systems, and communication at a distance. How human needs affect society is a mutual process: