Altruism - the pros and cons

Altruism is a phenomenon that has existed since ancient times. There have always been people for whom the happiness of a neighbor is more important than his own. Selflessness, disinterested acts, kindness, a tendency to empathy and conscientiousness are qualities that characterize an altruist.

Altruism - what is it?

Altruism is a term (Latin for "others") that denotes a person's voluntary activity toward others who need help from people. It is believed that true altruism is not associated with obtaining benefits, otherwise the altruistic act loses its significance and value. Who is an altruist - this question was answered well by the Russian philosopher V. Soloviev: it is a person who is in solidarity with other human beings morally, is interested in their destinies and happiness. Examples of altruism:

Altruism in Psychology

Happiness and prosperity, interests and survival of other people are more valuable than their own. Altruism in psychology is a kind of prosocial or "helping" behavior in which a person is an altruist who voluntarily assists other individuals and the main driving force here is a sincere desire for well-being to people without expecting a reward for their deed. Causes of altruism:

  1. Empathy. Empathy for mental suffering. The ability to put yourself in the place of a suffering person.
  2. Own unpleasant feelings, which you can get rid of if you pay attention to the suffering of others and focus on helping them.

Altruism in Philosophy

Altruism is a concept introduced by the French philosopher O. Comte as opposed to egoism. The principle of "live for others" found its development in the XIX century. in the framework of moral philosophy and included the following postulates:

In the XX century. altruism as a phenomenon is reinterpreted by philosophers and is elevated to the category of "helping behavior", based on the ethics of caring. Philosophers and evolutionists agreed that altruism in moderate manifestation is a powerful and selection factor for the evolution and formation of mankind throughout its existence.

Altruism - the pros and cons

Altruism is the quality necessary for humanity and the evolution of the planet Earth. But like any phenomenon, there are both positive and shadow sides here. Altruism can be viewed in the context of "black and white". Creative qualities of selflessness and unselfishness:

Cons of altruism:

Types of altruism

Altruism, as a phenomenon, carries within it the desire of man for harmony in himself and the attempts to "smooth out sharp angles" in this world through the manifestation of sympathy, kindness and compassion sometimes sacrifice in the name of the life of others. But manifested in individuality - altruism looks different, that's why among specialists there are several kinds of altruism:

  1. Altruism, derived from sympathy and sympathy, is a kindness and motivation for compassion. This kind of altruism is characteristic for kinship ties and in relationships with close people and friends. There is a need to help out of feelings of affection and love.
  2. Moral altruism. The central link of the "inner censor" of a person is conscience and moral attitudes, based on the inner conviction that this would be done by anyone in its place. The measure of the correctness of actions is a lack of guilt and peace of mind.
  3. Self-sacrifice is the extreme form of altruism, which has two aspects. Positive - superhuman virtue, during which there is a sacrifice than something valuable to a person, sometimes life. With a psychological deviation, such as self-hatred, such altruism can be characterized with a minus sign.
  4. Rational altruism is an attempt by a person to find a balance between his needs and not infringe on the needs of others. Altruistic actions are carefully considered. A rational altruist is a person who will not act to the detriment of himself and people.

Altruist and philanthropist - the difference

Two close concepts of altruist and philanthropist belong to the category of altruism stemming from sympathy, but the philanthropist goes beyond the help of relatives, and covers a large field with his activities. Philanthropists are individuals who organize charity, they are those who take care of themselves by choosing certain niches for themselves, for example protection of the endangered species of animals or the category of socially unprotected citizens. The altruist is a broader meaning, including the notion of "philanthropist."

Altruism and selfishness

The altruist and the egoist are opposing concepts, but with all the apparent opposite in one person, altruistic and selfishness is embedded. The golden mean is a reasonable combination of these qualities, otherwise it turns into extreme sacrifice or total egoism. Often this happens not because of internal impulses, but condemnation of others. An altruist can turn into an egoist if his good deeds are condemned by a society that sees hidden motives in the manifestations of help.