Sun stroke in a child - symptoms

When the head is overheated by the sun's rays, children may have central nervous system damage. This condition is called a sunstroke and can cause a number of complications in the child. It can arise with a combination of several factors:

A sunstroke in a child is fraught with health consequences. It causes oxygen deficiency and, as a result, leads to problems with internal organs, lesions of the central nervous system, which can even lead to death.

Symptoms of sunstroke in children

Every mother should know what to look for in the behavior and well-being of the child, especially if the family spends a lot of time on the street. This condition will manifest itself approximately in 5-8 hours after the kid has visited the sun. Symptoms of sunstroke in children include:

First aid for children with a sunstroke

In the event that parents discover the child's symptoms of this condition, then one must immediately begin to act. Of course, you need to call a doctor. But before his arrival, it is also required to conduct a number of activities:

  1. Move the child into the shade.
  2. In the event of the presence of vomiting, lay on your side (this will not get vomit in the respiratory tract).
  3. Remove clothes from your baby or at least unbutton.
  4. Wash the affected person with cool water.

In the event that the temperature is increased, you must start rubbing with water at room temperature using a sponge or a towel. It is important to remember that you can not allow unnecessary cooling, as this will aggravate the situation and cause vasospasms. Antipyretic drugs should not be given, since they still do not have an effect in such cases.

Only the doctor who arrives will decide how to act in each particular case. Perhaps he will prescribe the treatment of the consequences of a sun stroke in a child at home, but he can recommend hospitalization if the condition of the baby is severe. If the doctor decided not to send the child to the hospital, then in such cases it is recommended to drink plenty of liquid, for example, a variety of compotes, fruit drinks, kissels, kefir. In a few days you can walk outside again. In the case when sunburns are opened, it is usually recommended to apply antibacterial ointments. But, in any case, do not try to clean the bubbles yourself. Of course, we should try to avoid such situations.

Prevention of sunstroke in children

Parents should know what measures to take to prevent such a condition in the child:

Knowing these precautions will help avoid the threat of a sunstroke and enjoy safe walks with the child.