Pie "Vatrushka"

Today we will share with you the recipe for the cake "Vatrushka". Such baking will be an excellent addition to tea or coffee. And even people who do not like cottage cheese will gladly taste this delicious and delicate treat.

Pie "Royal Cheesecake" with cottage cheese


For filling:


So, the first thing we will prepare the basis of the pie - sand crumb. To do this, we rub the flour with sugar and add the softened margarine. Most of the test is placed on the bottom of the mold, we compact it with our hands and form low sides.

In a bowl, spread grainy cottage cheese, pour sugar, smash eggs, salt, soda and vanillin to taste. Mix the contents and whisk the blender until smooth. Pour the mixture in a uniform layer into a mold with a dough and sprinkle the remaining sand powder on top. We bake a curd cake "Royal Cheesecake" in a preheated oven for 35 minutes, at a temperature of 200 degrees. The prepared dish is completely cooled, cut into small portions and served to the table, laid out on a plate, with low-fat sour cream, jam or condensed milk.

Recipe for biscuit cake "Cheesecake" with cottage cheese


For the test:

For filling:


To make a cake "Vatrushka", knead the dough: beat the eggs with a mixer at high speed with sugar. We put sour cream, pour in flour, soda and pour melted butter. Mix the homogeneous and slightly liquid dough.

For the filling, we spread out a granular curd into the bowl, pour in the sugar, mango and beat everything with a blender.

Form for baking with a melted piece of cream butter, pour it lightly with flour and pour carefully bisquit batter. Next, lay out the prepared stuffing and from the top, if desired, decorate the pie with berries. We send a quick pie of the cheesecake to a preheated oven and baking for 35 minutes at a temperature of 185 degrees. The prepared dish is cooled, cut into slices and served with sour cream or jam for tea.