Mimulus - growing from seeds

Mimulus or "sponge" is a small herbaceous plant growing to 70 cm. Has an erect or creeping stem with oval leaves. The flower of the mimulus is of different colors, among which the most frequently spotted. It has the correct form with several planes of symmetry and looks like the lips extended by a tube at a monkey. The fused five petals form a bell-shaped corolla, the upper lip consists of two petals, bent backwards, and the lower lip consists of three protruding forward. There are about 150 species of annual (rarely perennial) plants.

From the article you will learn how to grow mimulus from seeds and arrange for further planting and caring for an adult plant.

Mimulus - growing

Mimulus can be grown in two ways:

Seeds of mimulus are collected from ripe fruit-boxes, formed after flowering. When growing a mimulus from seeds, one must follow this sequence of actions:

During the growth of seedlings, she needs a low round-the-clock temperature, frequent regular watering and two or three additional fertilizing with a weak solution of potassium fertilizer.

When these recommendations are implemented, after 2 months the plant can be planted in a permanent place in the front garden.

Perennial varieties of sponge can be grown not only by seeds, but also by cuttings. For this, in the summer between flowering, cuttings are cut in healthy plants and planted in sandy soil under a film, where they very quickly take root.

Mimulus: planting and care

To plant an adult plant of mimulus is necessary on a sunny or semi-dark place in a weakly loamy soil, with a high content of peat and humus soil. Before planting, make sure to dig the ground and water well. Planted at a distance of 20-30 cm.

If you are going to plant flowers in pots, then prepare the soil yourself: 3 parts of humus, 2 parts of leaf land and 1 part peat, turf and sand.

Despite the fact that mimulus is a rather unpretentious plant, for a good and abundant flowering it is necessary to observe some rules:

Grown in this way from seeds, the plants of the mimulus will bloom roughly at the end of May. His bushes are well used in rock gardens and flower beds , as well as in the container gardening of your balcony or garden.