Chicken in sesame

Chicken is an affordable and loved by many product. Many delicious dishes can be prepared with its use. We offer to cook you an original dish - fried chicken with sesame.

Chicken Recipe in Sesame Seed



Chicken my fillet, dried and cut into strips of the desired size. The root of ginger is peeled and rubbed on a fine grater, we add garlic, white wine, soy sauce and vegetable oil passed through the press. Lower the strips of chicken into the marinade and leave for about half an hour. After this, we take out each piece and roll in flour, which was pre-mixed with sesame. Fry the chicken in butter until golden brown. Chicken fillet with sesame seeds is ready!

Chicken in sesame in the oven



First we prepare marinade for the chicken . To do this, mix soy sauce, honey, lemon juice and red pepper. We lower the calf into the marinade and leave the hour at 1.5-2. After that, we pour them in flour. Then we dip into the beaten egg, and after that we baste in sesame. We use a vegetable oil, spread the prepared chicken and bake in a preheated oven for up to 180 degrees. For a chicken with sesame and honey, rice or stewed vegetables are perfect as a side dish. By the way, instead of chicken drumsticks, you can take any parts of the chicken: wings , and thighs, and ham. Only the larger the piece, the more time will be prepared.