Moulting in dogs

In different breeds and the dogs that live in different conditions, the molting process takes place in different ways. Dogs that live in nature drop their hair "on schedule": before winter, to prepare for frosts and build a warm undercoat and long hair, and before summer to change a warm coat to a rarer hair.

In dogs, which live at home, where no frost and heat they are not afraid, molting can drag on for the whole season. That's why a dog can shed even in winter.

There are several types of molting:

What if the dog strongly molts?

To make life easier for a dog that sheds, it is necessary to comb it out every day with a special brush. So you remove the fallen hair and the new coat will grow faster. In addition, combing with a brush will have a beneficial effect on the blood circulation of the skin, which will strengthen the fresh wool cover. The more often you will put your dog in order, the less the wool will remain on the carpets and the sofa.

If the dog's hair falls out not for natural reasons, it is necessary to revise its diet. Perhaps, she lacks some vitamins and minerals, because of which the hair bulbs are weakened, and the hair begins to fall out.

A bad sign - when the dog's hair moults in places, and in these places ulcers or sores are formed. In this case, you need to contact the veterinarian, because it can be symptoms of various diseases.

How long does the moult last for dogs?

Seasonal molt with proper care of the dog lasts 1-2 weeks. Moult permanent may be year-round, but you can reduce its intensity. Often brush your pet and make sure that in his diet there are always all the necessary vitamins and substances that affect the quality of the coat.

Are there dogs that do not shed?

There are no dogs that would not molt at all, but some breeds moult much less than others, for example: