Cherry shrimp - contents

Among all the inhabitants of the aquarium, shrimps are among the most interesting. And cherry shrimp is also very beautiful due to its rich coloration. This species was derived from the selection of the Neocaridina Heteropoda breed. Cherry shrimps, as they are sometimes called, are quite unpretentious and do not need any special living conditions.

Cherry shrimp - maintenance and care

The most important thing is, of course, the quality of water. Optimum conditions for the content of cherry shrimp are water temperature of 20-26 ° C, rigidity of 3-15 dKh and PH in the range of 6.2 - 8. The warmer the water, the more important it is to be saturated with oxygen, and hence the aerator in such an aquarium is necessary.

Take care of other environmental parameters. In particular, cherry shrimps need plants (for example, Javan moss or algae filament). In its thickets, shrimps will be able to hide from fish during moult, and also use particles of aquarium flora as food.

What to feed shrimp of cherries?

The cherry shrimp is usually harvested for themselves by feeding on tiny particles of rotten plants, debris from the filter, particles of the shell dropped during moulting and even dead fish. If your shrimp aquarium has been functioning for a long time and there is enough algae in it, then cherry will find than satisfy your appetites. In the new aquarium, where the ecosystem has not yet formed, it is desirable to additionally offer shrimps a specialized food for crustaceans in the form of tablets, flakes or granules. But do not be too zealous, because overfeeding shrimp is contraindicated: they must constantly be in search of food.

Cherry shrimp - compatibility with fish

Cherries perfectly coexist in one tank with small and peaceful fish - neon, guppy , etc. The main thing is to provide shrimp with reliable shelter in the form of abundant thickets of aquarium plants, and also not to plant predators to them who will hunt for shrimp simply because of sporting interest .