A cat wants a cat - what to do?

Any healthy cat reaches the period when she becomes ready to continue her family. In some animals, it occurs at the age of 6 months, others - a little later. Pets, unlike their wild relatives, periods of sexual activity can experience at any time of the year, although most often it happens in the spring months. Domestic animals may not leave the apartment for months, and therefore, the light day or season is much less influenced by them than by their forest brothers.

Hosts can immediately determine when a cat begins to want a cat. The female sharply changes behavior, she becomes either excessively affectionate, or very aggressive. The animal tends to break out into the street, makes crying calls, purring sounds interfere with the owners of the fluffy beast day and night. In addition, there are other signs of estrus - an increase in sexual organs, the secretion of fluid. The female has frequent urination, she constantly marks the territory.

Why does a cat want a cat?

The sexual cycle in animals includes 4 stages. Depending on this, signs when a cat wants a cat may vary slightly. Let us examine in detail this complex process:

  1. The first stage is called proestrus, and it lasts about a couple of days. At the initial period, the animal has anxiety, increased appetite, vulva moistened and slightly enlarged. The cat, although attracting males, sometimes makes crying cries, but they do not approach them to themselves yet. Everything is limited only to grooming gentlemen.
  2. Estrus is a period of sexual susceptibility. Many lovers ask how many days a cat wants a cat. It has an average duration of 5-7 days, but depending on various factors, the duration of the estrus may differ slightly (temperament, breed, age of the animal). Females become obtrusive, rub against furniture and other objects. Some can scream continuously, worrying all the males in the area, while others suffer this condition silently. They often urinate, roll on the floor, cats lose appetite. If at this time to hold her on the back with her hand, then the animal almost always takes a characteristic posture - falling on the front paws, the cat takes away the tail and lifts the backside. In this way she demonstrates to the males her willingness to mate.
  3. When an interestrus occurs, the cat ceases to be interested in cats, and aggression responds to all further attempts to cover it. When ovulation occurs, the animal calms down, and the development of embryos begins.
  4. The period of prolonged sexual rest is called anestrus. Excitation and other signs of estrus in cats completely disappear. In nature, this is due to the onset of a short light day.

Sometimes it happens that the cat constantly wants a cat, it is excessively aggressive, and the cries of the animal of their masters are just crazy. How can you solve problems with estrus? There are several main ways: sterilization, castration and the use of special drugs. During sterilization, the mothers are ligated to the uterine tubes. They can not bring offspring, but sexual instincts are completely preserved. But with castration, the organs responsible for the production of offspring are completely removed. "Hormonal storms" cats are no longer scary, endless concerts will not threaten you. If a cat wants a cat after sterilization, then it is likely that she has a piece of the ovary after the operation. He can no longer perform all his functions fully, but hormonal changes can cause. Most likely, the complex procedure was performed not entirely professionally.

What to do when a cat wants a cat, but you do not want to subject it to surgery? In this case, the owners use special drugs - Sex Barrier, CounterSex Neo, Gestrenol and others. They are able to reduce sexual arousal and solve problems that arise in pets during estrus. Attractive smell and taste makes it easier to take them and does not cause unpleasant sensations in cats. Castration for life deprives the female of the ability to fertilize. But if you are planning on getting your offspring from your cat soon, it's better to use drops. In a couple of months after the drug is canceled, your cat will be fully restored and will be able to fertilize.