What to feed a pregnant cat?

When your purr is waiting for the family to replenish, you need to do everything to make it comfortable for her to endure this condition. And the first thing to think about is the right food and the right diet for pregnant cats. After all, the health of future babies depends on this.

Pregnancy in a cat lasts 65 days (9 weeks). It is during this period that the pet food should be varied, balanced. To kittens were born young, still in the tummy of their mother they should receive all the necessary vitamins and trace elements. A prerequisite for proper nutrition for pregnant cats is the portioning of food.

How many times and how much to feed a pregnant cat?

Since the pregnancy of cats lasts 9 weeks, so it is divided into 3 conditional stages, and nutrition in this case is also no exception.

  1. 1-3 weeks . At first, after the cat has become pregnant, her appetite rises. But this does not mean that you need to feed unlimitedly. 4-5 times a day is the maximum limit of cat food intake during this period of pregnancy. The amount of feed should be increased by 20%. Determine in advance what to feed the British pregnant cat, because this breed is prone to obesity.
  2. 3-7 weeks . At this stage, it is desirable to increase the number of feedings and the portion should increase by 50%.
  3. 7-9 weeks . In the last weeks of pregnancy, the cat feels a little worse than usual and has a decreased appetite. This is due to the fact that the kittens are pressed on the stomach. At this time, it is best to reduce portions before the initial stage, but the amount of feeding should be kept to a maximum.

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  1. Proteins . They should account for more than 50% of all food per day. Meat is best given only lean, perfectly fit chicken and veal. Protein will ensure the correct development of all types of tissues.
  2. Sour-milk products . If you have not decided what to feed the pregnant Scottish cat, then the best option is suitable for yogurt, cottage cheese and milk. These products help to grow bones, claws, and add the gloss of wool.
  3. Vegetables . Absolutely all vegetables are safe and useful except cabbage. They should be given to the cat cooked.
  4. Kashi . Oatmeal stimulates the digestive tract, rice fastens, so it is better to choose cereals individually, focusing on the interests of your pet.

Remember that the diet of your pregnant cat should not only be nutritious and useful, but also delicious. Balanced and proper nutrition will help your pet to produce healthy and happy kittens.