Why dogs can not pork?

Good nutrition is the foundation of health and longevity. But the rules for feeding dogs and humans are very different. What people are used to, is often harmful to the dog. The difference in the digestive process is one of the main reasons why dogs can not eat pork.

Features of digestion of dogs

Pork is one of the most fatty types of meat. The dog's organism is not adapted to digest fat in large quantities, which can lead to obesity of the internal organs. Even if the dog has a sufficient physical load, it will not manage to cope with a large amount of fat, since for this in the animal's body there are simply not enough necessary enzymes. To understand whether it is possible to feed a dog with pork, it is worth remembering the ancestors of these pets. It is unlikely that hyenas or jackals often managed to regale the boar carcass, so the nature of these animals does not include the need to digest the meat of the ancestors of the pig.

Viruses and helminths

Meat must pass control before it reaches the counter. But even if it is really well and correctly checked, this does not mean that it is safe for the dog. The reason for this is simple: the meat intended for a person is tested for viruses and parasites that are dangerous for him. This approach to meat control also explains why dogs can not be fed with pork, because it is often the most dangerous for the pet viruses, such as Aujeski 's disease or pork chum . No less dangerous are parasites , which are often found in pigs. One of the most common and dangerous among them is Trichinella.

But there are no rules without exceptions. In some cases, the dog can be given pork, but only without fat and well steamed. This type of meat should not be taken as the main food in the dog's diet, although it occurs in some premium foods. In this case, the meat necessarily passes the necessary control and pre-treatment.

The question of whether a dog can eat pork, bothers many dog ​​breeders. The main thing to remember is that the pet needs are different from the human, so its nutrition should be different from ours.