Diseases of hamsters - symptoms and treatment

All our favorite hamsters are very small and fragile pets that live very little and often suffer from various diseases. Diseases of hamsters, their symptoms and treatment are the same as in other rodents.

What are hamsters sick with?

Basically, kidney disease in hamsters is manifested by the following symptoms: severe thirst, frequent urination with blood, sometimes accompanied by screaming. To avoid these diseases, change the litter more often, keep the cage in a warm place, give the hamster enough water, disinfect the cage with special preparations. The doctor appoints antibiotics in case of kidney disease, after which the symptoms pass. Diseases of the eyes in hamsters are not uncommon. When the hamster gets into the eyes of the hamster, the dirt or it is stretched in a draft, the eyelids are glued, because of the purulent matter emerging from the eyes.

For treatment it can be enough for a couple of days to wipe your eyes with cotton wool soaked in boiled water. The reason for this is also an infection, and one wipe with water is not enough. In this case, bury the eyes of the hamster with boiled water, diluted with boric acid, in a ratio of one to one. What to do if the hamster is sick and the treatment did not work? Of course - we carry the animal to the vet!

The teeth of hamsters grow throughout their entire life and need periodic stitching. If this is not done, the teeth are injured by cheeks, gums, and tongue. A good prevention of this problem is the feeding of hamsters with solid food, as well as the placement in the cage of any twigs, bark, small wooden bars. However, if your hamster is already an "old man", and hamsters live on average two and a half years, you will have to prune his teeth or carry him to a veterinarian. Because older hamsters can eat only softened food, and their teeth and they still continue to grow.