How to introduce complementary foods?

To date, almost all pediatricians in the world are in solidarity with the opinion that the time when it is better to introduce the first lure comes not earlier than six months for babies on breastfeeding and five and a half months for artificers. But introducing a new baby into the food does not mean sitting him at the table and putting a plate with lunch, the lure does not suffer haste, much less experiments. Let's look at how to correctly introduce complementary foods without harm to the crumbs.

How to introduce a lure baby?

First, make sure that the crumb is ready for this first "adult step" - as a rule, children at six months of age begin to wonder what their parents eat and ask them to try. This is the first signal that the baby is ready for lure. Before you enter the vegetable lure, consult your pediatrician. He will tell you where to start, if there is a planned vaccination in the queue (this is an important point, you should not start lure before vaccination), tell you in what order to introduce complementary foods in your case (depending on the frequency of the stool and the reaction to various foods eaten mother during breastfeeding).

We introduce complementary foods: what, when and how much?

As a rule, doctors recommend starting with seasonal vegetables. To introduce a new lure is better in the morning, so it will be easier to control the reaction of the body. This does not mean that you put a dish of puree in front of the baby instead of breast milk. Start with a half teaspoon, then milk, each product should be given a week or two, gradually displacing one feeding. You should be ready for the following: when we introduce the lure, no matter how much effort you put on and whatever you prepare, most likely the first portion of the crumb will simply spit out. This is a normal reaction, continue to introduce vegetables, gradually taste buds will get used and the child will gladly eat the proposed. Let's consider some of the most frequently asked questions about when and what lure to enter:

How to enter the first lure?

And still consider the rules of input in more detail: