Childbirth of twins

The birth of twins is a very important and complex process, requiring special attention of the doctor throughout pregnancy and labor. In most cases, this process is a huge strain on the health of the mother and children. In the process of pregnancy, there are many risks, including early and late toxicosis, placental abruption, bleeding and others. Therefore, the future mothers of twins undergo a doctor's consultation, take tests and make ultrasound more often than others. In addition, with such a pregnancy, the decree is sent at an earlier date, since twins are possible at 33-34 weeks.

Is double a cesarean or a natural birth?

In the absence of complications in the process of bearing children and contraindications from the health of the expectant mother, there is the greatest probability of a natural delivery of multiple pregnancies. However, in any case, during the natural birth of twins, strict supervision of medical staff is required, and the woman in childbirth should be warned about possible risks and subsequent operational delivery.

The correct position of the babies in the womb is also of great importance. Normally, both babies should have a head pre presentation. In some cases, one child may be in the head, and the second - in the pelvic presentation. This is not a contraindication to natural childbirth. If both fetuses are located downwards, then the only way to deliver is by caesarean section.

If the first pregnancy of a woman ended with a cesarean section, then with a double second birth is almost always resolved by surgery. In addition, multiple pregnancy is a risk of rupture of the uterus for the scar, if in the past there was a cesarean.

How are twins born?

Childbirth with multiple pregnancies is always planned in advance. The obstetrician thoroughly examines the exchange card, the features of pregnancy management, possible problems related to health and, in particular, the reproductive system of the future mother. The term of birth with twins is usually 35-37 weeks.

Generic activity begins as well as in single-pregnancy. In the process of fights, the cervix softens and opens. When the opening has reached the right size, the obstetrician opens the fetus of the first baby. After his birth, Mom give a break for 15-20 minutes. Then again, contractions and attempts begin, the second fetal bladder is opened and the second child is born. The follow-up period passes in the usual way, and at the end of the birth process the woman in labor is carefully examined by the doctors. As a rule, in time such births are more prolonged than single-birth.

Possible risks and complications

Very often in labor there is a weakness of labor. In this case, doctors use stimulant drugs. The birth of twins is also dangerous due to premature discharge of amniotic fluid, placental abruption or late rupture of the second baby's fetal bladder, hypoxia or fetal asphyxia.

Complications in childbirth with monochorionic diamianotic twins :

Complications in childbirth with dichorial diaminozolic twins:

The postpartum period can be complicated by bleeding in the mother. This is due to the low activity of uterine contractions. In the presence of polyhydramnios and other pathologies of pregnancy, all of these risks increase at times. Therefore, bearing two or more toddlers, you need to carefully monitor your health throughout pregnancy, strictly follow all the recommendations of doctors and, if possible, do not resist the planned cesarean section, as this affects the life and health of the kids.