Abortion after cesarean

Women who underwent a caesarean section operation are advised not to plan the next pregnancy earlier than in 2.5 years. Otherwise, if the cesarean recovery has not yet ended, the scar on the uterus will not have time to form and grow stronger, which threatens to rupture the uterus, which can lead to the death of the mother and fetus.

When is it recommended to have an abortion after a caesarean section?

Every woman after the birth has a different menstrual cycle. In a young mother who breastfeed her child, menstruation begins not earlier than 4 months after childbirth (depends on the frequency of feeding), and if a woman does not have lactation, the first menstrual periods appear 6-8 weeks after the operation. However, do not forget that the absence of menstruation - this is not a guarantee that a woman can not become pregnant. The problem becomes unplanned pregnancy after cesarean section , because the scar is not yet formed and is not strengthened and then often recommend the interruption of such a pregnancy.

How can I have an abortion after a cesarean?

Women who underwent cesarean section surgery are offered 3 methods of abortion (as well as other women):

  1. Medical abortion after cesarean section is performed in the period up to 49 days of pregnancy. With such an abortion, a woman is given a drink of Mephipriston (a progesterone antagonist), and after 48 hours in a medical institution, she should drink Mirolut (a drug from a group of prostaglandins that help reduce the uterus). Within 8 hours a woman is under the supervision of a doctor, it is necessary to check the presence of the embryo in the secretions and the nature of the discharge. The consequences of medical abortion after cesarean section are prolonged bleeding due to the slow contraction of the uterus due to the presence of nonfunctional scar tissue in it.
  2. Surgical abortion with caesarean section is done in a period of 6 to 12 weeks. Difficulties during such an abortion can be difficult opening of the cervix (as in others quite not giving birth to women). After it, rehabilitation (taking antibiotics, antifungal drugs) is mandatory, otherwise the development of endometritis is possible.
  3. Mini-abortion after caesarean section or vacuum aspiration is carried out in the period up to 6 weeks and not earlier than six months after the operation. This method is more sparing and less traumatic than conventional scraping.

As you can see, all methods of abortion after cesarean section have their contraindications and possible complications, so you need not forget about methods of contraception.