Exercise with a barbell

If in the past glamorous fitness centers were in fashion, now the business is gaining more serious speed - women rushed to heavy "artillery", and the barbells are bought up. The bar is the heaviest inventory in the arsenal of bodybuilders. However, if in your plans there is no turning into pitching, this does not mean that you will not need a bar. With the help of this "zashchalochki with weight" you can achieve the desired in a short time: sexual, tightened buttocks, flat stomach and slender legs. Most importantly - without fanaticism! Moderate exercises with a barbell will make your body perfect, and over normalized occupations ... you yourself know what is happening from them.


However, there are several subtleties of performing exercises with a barbell for girls. First, strength exercises will most effectively combine with aerobic or cardio exercises. With the help of cardio exhalations you burn excess fat, and strength training helps to raise muscle tone, as a result - you lose weight, and muscles become tightened. In addition, if you do not want to have bodybuilding parameters, and too noticeable a relief is not included in your plans, do not get hooked on advertising about sports nutrition. Your diet should remain balanced, do not plunge into a carbohydrate and protein diet. Otherwise, such food plus exercises with the bar, will serve as an impetus to the active build-up of muscles.

Another misconception about the bar: from the most common, basic exercises with a barbell, you do not bounce testosterone level, and do not appear vegetation on the face and chest. Believe me, in order to work on the endocrine system and change the process of hormone production, you need to make much more effort than just training with the bar. Some ladies bodybuilders use supplements with testosterone for these purposes, you're not going to do that, right?

In order that no unwanted build-up of muscle mass occurs and the necessary parts of the body are "pulled up," follow our complex of basic exercises with a barbell.

Complex of exercises

  1. Let's start with the simplest exercises with a barbell for beginners - squats . The most important is the maximum amplitude of movements, that is - we squat as low as possible. We raise the bar (without additional weight) from the floor and put it on our shoulders by the head. On inhalation we squat as deeply as possible, while the body tilts forward, and the buttocks bulge backwards. We serve the pelvis forward and straighten the legs. We do 8 repetitions and 3 approaches. This is the perfect exercise with a barbell for the buttocks, quadriceps and biceps.
  2. Continue with one of the most classic exercises with the bar - deadlift . The exercise is slightly modified for women, in order to pump not the dorsal muscle, but first of all the legs. So, the barbell is on the floor, the legs are wide apart, the toes are looking to the side. In order to take the bar, crouch and do a classic or mixed grip hands. Hvat should be equal to the width of the shoulders. Looking forward, we relax the shoulders, we bend our backs. We raise the bar to the level of the knees, then we finish the draft by feeding the pelvis forward and straightening our legs, paddle the blades as much as possible, lowering the bar into place. Do 5 repetitions, 2 approaches.
  3. Next, we perform the most effective exercise with the bar - a push from the chest . Thanks to this exercise with the bar, a huge amount of energy is expended (which means that fats are split), it is useful not only for your shoulders, but also for the press, and also for the back and legs. In the exercise it is necessary to lift the bar from the shoulders to the position above the head. For this: we stand in the frame for squats behind the bar, we place it on the deltoid muscles, we make a classic grip. Legs shoulder width apart, knees slightly bend. Lifting, the head is taken back so as not to touch the barbell. The climb takes place due to the jerk, the force of extension of the legs. Therefore, the straightening of the hands is combined with the straightening of the knees. We fix the bar above our heads. Repetition: 5, approach: 1.