Soup with smoked ribs

Soups, cooked with smoked meat, are quite aromatic, unusually tasty. Below we will tell you how to make soups with smoked ribs.

Soup with smoked ribs



Take dry peas and wash it under running water. After that, the peas are poured with water and leave to swell for several hours. Ribs set to cook, after they boil, cook over low heat for 25 minutes. We take out the ribs from the broth and put the peas, which we cook for 25 minutes. After adding to the soup chopped potatoes, as well as chopped onions with carrots, which are pre-weed in oil. Add the seasonings and cook until done.

Cheese soup with smoked ribs



In boiling water we lower the smoked ribs, the whole onion and cook them for 60 minutes. We clean, cut the carrots and potatoes into cubes and throw them into broth, cook until ready. Garlic and greens are sliced, melted cheese curled on a grater. When the potatoes are ready, we remove the ribs and boiled onions from the broth. In the boiling soup, pour the grated cheese and stir it all the time, so that they evenly dissolved, add salt, pepper and chopped garlic, boil the soup for a few minutes, add greens and turn off the fire and leave to infuse, and at that time we separate the ribs and lay them on plates and fill them with ready soup.

Soup from smoked ribs



The washed peas are cooked in three liters of water for two hours so that it boils well. Add the chopped onions and grate the carrots for another 20 minutes. Add the ribs to the soup, boil another 10 minutes and add potatoes, salt and pepper. When the potatoes are ready, add crushed greenery and boil for a few more minutes.

Lentil soup with smoked ribs



Lentils are good for washing and soak in water, at this time we will prepare the rest of the products. Smoked ribs are cut one by one. Pour the right amount of water into the pan, lower the ribs. Give the meat to boil and cook smoked ribs for a fragrant broth for 15 minutes. Potatoes are cut into cubes. Onion grind and fry in a pan with carrots, grated on a medium grater. We remove the ribs from the pan, separate them from the bone and cut them into slices. We put potatoes, chopped meat and lentils into a pot. Cook soup for 35 minutes, after adding to the soup roast and spices, boil, after removing from the fire, add greens and let us brew.

Soup with smoked ribs



In three liters of water we boil the smoked meat for an hour. Add the previously noticed peas to the pan and cook for another hour, add salt. Onions cut into cubes, lentils, pumpkin cut into large slices. Add to the soup potatoes, pumpkin and lentils, cook. Carrots cut with rings. Onions and carrots are fried in a pan and sent to soup. Season with spices, boil for another 15 minutes. Blend the soup with mashed potatoes, pulling out the ribs from it. Add cream to the soup and warm it for several minutes.