Cake for a cake in a frying pan

Even the absence of an oven can not embarrass the true pastry enthusiast, because the cakes for the holiday cake can be made even with the help of an ordinary frying pan. In the absence of an oven, the recipes of the cake on the stove can come in handy if you are trying to save the cooking time.

Recipe for cake cakes

Guided by this technology, you can prepare as full-sized thin cakes for a cake, more like pancakes, and lush cakes for small portioned delicacies. For the preparation of the latter you will need a special steel ring or tinplate of tin.

In case you do not plan to prepare chocolate cakes, replace cocoa with an equivalent amount of flour.



As for the usual biscuit, to prepare this test, it is first necessary to combine the dry components and only then add liquid to them. Pass through a sieve and carefully mix the first four ingredients together. Separately, whisk the milk, melted butter, sugar, lemon juice and egg. Portions pouring liquid to the dry mixture, knead thick dough.

Lubricate the frying pan with any fat and put the steel ring in the center. Pour into the center of the mold about a quarter of a glass of dough and cover the dishes. After 2-3 minutes, remove the ring, flip the simple cakes for the cake in a frying pan and cook a similar period of time.

Thin cakes for a cake in a frying pan

If you want to prepare a layered cake made from thin cakes, like a pancake, use this recipe. On the output you will get a stack of thin and air cakes that absorb the cream well and keep their shape when cutting.



Before you prepare the cakes for a cake in a frying pan, sift the first three ingredients and work out the mixture well with a whisk to evenly distribute the baking powder. Melt the melted butter with eggs and sugar, and then, continuing the kneading, start pouring in the milk. When the sugar crystals completely dissolve, pour the liquid into the mixture of flour and cocoa. After mixing the dough, approximately divide it into 12 portions and fry each in an oiled frying pan.

Fast cakes for a cake in a frying pan

Four of the usual ingredients will turn into a whole pile of thin and crispy cakes, ideally suited for impregnation with custard . In addition, the roasting of one such biscuit takes about a minute, which makes the cooking process extremely fast.



Whisk the condensed milk with the egg and add soda to the mixture. Start portioning with flour. Divide the mixture into 7-9 pieces and roll each into a thin cake. Before roasting, knead the dough sheets with a fork over the entire area. Fry the cake for a cake in a frying pan for about a minute, placing the dishes on medium heat.

Cakes for "Medovik" cake in a frying pan



Put in the soda to the melted honey and pour in the oil. Add the remaining ingredients and knead the plastic dough. Cut it into portions, roll them and fry for a couple of minutes from each side.