How to cook a cake with jam in the oven?

It's great when among the home preparations there are several jars of fragrant jam. They can just eat with tea, or you can make a pie. How to make a cake with jam in the oven, read below.

How to bake a cake with jam in the oven?



Margarine is melting. Then the mass is cooled. Oven set to warm up. In the bowl we pour sugar, pour in melted margarine, drive in eggs, put vanillin and mix everything well. The baking powder is poured into the flour and injected into the previously obtained mass. We form the dough and divide into 2 parts - one a little more, the second, respectively, smaller. The smaller part is sent to the freezer for an hour. The second part is evenly distributed over the baking sheet, we put a layer of jam over it and accurately level it. Then we take the second part from the freezer and top it out with jam using a grater. We put in a moderately warm oven for 25 minutes.

Pie on kefir with jam in the oven



In the jam, put the soda and stir well and let stand for 3 minutes. Then pour kefir, drive the eggs mixed with sugar, and pour in the flour. It's good to mix everything - there will be a liquid dough. We send it to the mold and bake it for about an hour in a moderately heated oven.

The recipe for a pie with raspberry jam in the oven



In the melted oil, pour in the sugar and drive the eggs. We beat this well with a whisk. Then add the sifted flour and baking powder. Approximately 1/3 of the finished dough wrapped in a film and put on an hour in the freezer. The rest of the dough is also covered to avoid drying out and put it in the fridge for half an hour. We cover the pan with oil, distribute the dough over it and grease it with a layer of crimson jam. Then we take the frosted dough and the three for jam. Bake until the ruddy top at a moderate temperature.

Cooking a pie with jam in the oven



Whisk the yolks, gradually adding sugar. The process continues until the mass is whitened. Add the melted margarine, slaked soda, salt and stir. Gradually add flour, stir. Approximately ΒΌ of the finished dough is put in the freezer. The remaining is divided in half. The form is lubricated with oil or other fat and blended with flour. Spread half the dough, forming the sides. The second half is rolled out with a layer. On the first layer, we put half the jam. We cover with the rolled out test, again we form the skirts. We put the rest of the jam. And we close it with a dough from the freezer, grated. After 40 minutes, this pie will be ready.

Simple pie with jam in the oven



Pour sugar into the cooled melted butter and beat it well. We drive eggs one at a time and still whisk. Without stopping this process, pour in flour, add baking powder and pour in the milk. In a greased form, pour the dough and bake the cake until ready. And then the finished product is divided into 2 or 3 cakes and abundantly greased with jam.