Basic exercises on the back

More and more people complain of back pain, but it is caused by a sedentary lifestyle, an incorrect position during sitting and walking. People who exercise regularly must also pay attention to the back so that the body develops correctly, and there are no injuries. Muscles of the back fix the spine and relieve tension from it, and also help to keep it in the correct position.

Before you specify the basic exercises on the back, you need to understand some of the features and recommendations that relate to training. Experts advise to train your back at least once a week. After achieving certain results, it is worth dedicating two lessons per week to the back: one training - basic exercises, and the other - isolating ones. Another recommendation - in each exercise, you need to make a peak contraction, that is, during the maximum load to linger for a few seconds.

The best basic exercises for the back

There are many similar exercises that are performed either on special simulators, or with additional weight. Let's consider some of them.

  1. Classical deadlift . The most well-known basic exercise for the back in the gym, during which it is important to observe the correctness of the technique. Take the neck into your arms with a normal grip and hold it so that it passes through the middle of your feet. Put your feet not too wide and slightly extend the socks to the sides. It is necessary to descend downwards, thus in a knee the corner in 90 degrees should be formed. It's important not to shift your arms and the bar should be at the middle of the foot. To climb it is necessary without jerks and as much as possible naturally.
  2. Thrust dumbbell with one hand in the slope . This basic exercise on the back for girls and for guys can be performed in the hall and at home. It is necessary to prepare a horizontal surface, for example, a bench. Stand on her knee and rest with one hand, and in the other take a dumbbell. Pull it to the pelvic area vigorously, but without sudden movements.
  3. Pulling a wide grip on the head . Another basic exercise for the muscles of the back , which can be performed on any crossbar. Grasp her wide grip, and bend your knees and cross. Raise the body up to the level that the neck will touch the crossbar. Do not make sudden movements. Then slowly go down. In order to increase the load over time, it is possible to use additional weights, for example, a belt, but not weighting agents for the legs.