How to squat correctly to pump up the buttocks to a girl?

Beautiful and elastic buttocks - the dream of a huge number of women. A photo of beautiful girls makes you wonder how to squat right to pump up the buttocks. This exercise is included in the list of the most popular and effective, but it has its own characteristics and rules that must be observed, otherwise, there will be no result from training.

How correctly to squat to the girl to pump up the buttocks?

Due to the sedentary lifestyle, the gluteus muscle does not receive enough load, which leads to loss of tonus and the pop looks flat and ugly. That's why you need to regularly conduct training and give the muscle an extra load. Squats will help not only lose weight and get rid of cellulite, but also give an elastic form of this part of the body.

Recommendations on how to squat correctly to pump up the buttocks:

  1. During the exercise, you need to tighten the stomach, and strain the press, which will form a muscular corset, and he in turn will maintain the correct position of the spine.
  2. Of great importance is the straight back, if you do not comply with this rule, then the result will be much worse.
  3. During the exercise, you can not tear off the heels from the floor, they must be still.
  4. Another important point is how to squat correctly to pump up the buttocks - breathing. Dropping down you need to inhale, and while rising - exhale. It is worth breathing in time, without delay.
  5. Many coaches advise crouching so that a right angle is formed in the knees. This is enough to give the muscles the necessary load.
  6. For maximum effect, it is recommended to squat slowly.

If you properly perform squats, you can normalize the hormonal background, improve metabolism and muscle tone. With regular exercise, the muscles become more flexible and strong.

How to squat correctly to pump up the buttocks - exercises at home

In addition to the classic exercise, there are other options that allow you to work out the muscles in more detail. Let us dwell on more popular and effective exercises:

"Plie" . The legs should be placed wider than the shoulders, and the feet and knees should be turned outward. This kind of squats allows you to work out the middle gluteus muscle, which does not train during the execution of the classical version. The back and inner surface of the thigh is also loaded. It is important to keep your back flat and stretch the press . The technique is as follows: on inhalation, lower to a right angle in the knees, while pulling the pelvis back and spreading the knees to the sides. As you exhale, rise up, but do not unite your knees.

"Plie on the hill . " This is a complicated version of the previous exercise, so it should be chosen by more advanced athletes. As a hill, you can use a platform for steppe or shop. Squats should be performed with an additional weight, but not more than 15 kg. Dumbbells or bars are recommended to be kept in straight hands.

"Squats on one leg . " The load is accented on one leg, which allows you to better work out the muscles of the thighs and buttocks. It is necessary to keep balance during execution. The technique is as follows: stand up straight, place your feet on the width of your shoulders and keep your back flat. Breathe in and bend one leg, and the second straighten forward and hold the weight in front of you. On exhale, stand up, but do not put your foot on the floor. To begin with, you can crouch with a support.

Do it regularly, but not every day, because the muscles must be restored and rest. For one workout it is recommended to do a minimum of 3 sets of 20 times.