On what weeks do ultrasound in pregnancy?

One of the main types of hardware research during the bearing of a baby is ultrasound. This method of diagnosis with high accuracy is able to determine the existing pathologies of development, allows you to calculate the size of the torso of the baby, evaluate the work of organs and fetal systems. Consider it in more detail and, in particular, we will dwell on the weeks on which ultrasound is done during pregnancy.

What is the timing of the first ultrasound diagnosis with gestation?

To begin with, it should be noted that in each country, a decree of the Ministry of Health spells out the timing of this study during pregnancy. That's why they can vary a little.

If you specifically talk about when a woman in the situation needs to do the first ultrasound with a normal pregnancy, then, as a rule, in the CIS countries, doctors adhere to the 10-14 weeks gestation. Thus, it is at the end of the first trimester.

The task of the study at this time is to monitor the absence of serious developmental disabilities. In this case, the doctor necessarily conducts the measurement of the fetus, in particular, fixes its KTP (coccyx-parietal size), which allows you to assess the rate of development. In addition, the thickness of the collar space is measured, the dimensions of which establish the absence of chromosomal abnormalities.

When do a second ultrasound to determine the features of the course of pregnancy?

In most cases, this procedure is to be performed by a woman at the 20-24th week of gestation. The most important fact for a future mother, which is being established at this time, is the sex of the unborn child. They also record:

The placenta undergoes a separate examination: the condition of the blood flow, the location and location of attachment, all matters for the normal course of gestation.

When do the third (last) planned ultrasound in pregnancy?

As a rule, it is conducted at 32-34 weeks. At this time, you can determine the position of the fetus in the uterus, in particular, its presentation (the location of the head relative to the entrance to the small pelvis). Also assess the condition of the placenta, which gives a complete picture and allows you to make a choice regarding the tactics of giving birth.