Crafts from leaves

Autumn is an excellent time for an in-depth acquaintance of the child with natural material. Parents can invite him to create hand-made items from dry leaves.

Small children with interest will collect from the ground fallen leaves of various sizes, colors and shapes. This will promote the development of the concept of geometric shapes, color perception. Creating crafts from leaves helps also to develop imagination and patience.

What can be done from the leaves?

As the material used, dry autumn leaves are suitable. Often, collecting them on the street, they still remain damp. In this case, they can be ironed. If time suffers, it is better to use the old way - to place the leaves among the pages of a thick book and close it tightly.

The spectrum of application of autumn dry leaves in the creative activity of the child is diverse: applications, frames, pictures, a herbarium of leaves. Leaves can be used to create animals or from the very leaf to cut figurines.

Together with the leaves, you can use berries, petals of flowers as an improvised material.

Framework from leaves

For a variety of your own photos, you can create a frame with autumn leaves from the child. A child over 4 years old can create such an article. To create a frame, you will need:

  1. It is necessary to pick up the leaves of the right size and dry them.
  2. From a dense cardboard to prepare two squares, in one of which to cut in the middle a smaller square. This will be a place for photography.
  3. Then take a photo, put it between two sheets of cardboard and glue.
  4. We begin to create a framework. To do this, take the leaves and dab them in hot water to give softness.
  5. After dipping, spread the glue on each piece of paper and glue it to the frame itself.
  6. In passing, we smooth the glued leaves to give them a flat surface.
  7. The edges of the leaves must be wrapped in the opposite direction.
  8. After the work on the frame is completed, it must be pinned down with a stack of books for better gluing.
  9. After complete drying, it is necessary to grease the leaves with a matt varnish. It is desirable to actively ventilate the room to avoid the accumulation of unpleasant odor.

Pictures from flowers and leaves

With older children (from 5 years), you can create more complex crafts using dry leaves. For example, to make whole pictures.

  1. To create a picture, you must first make a sketch of the future drawing, so that you can choose the right amount, size and color of the leaves. So clearly you will see what kind of picture you want to get in the end.
  2. After applying the sample from above, glue the dry leaves of the desired color.
  3. We leave for a while to dry.

To create modular paintings, a more careful selection of leaves of the desired size and color is required.

As a technique used, the method of applying leaves to each other is applied.

In addition, you can use branches, sticks, dry leaves of small size.

Such work is simple in its implementation, but rather laborious and requires perseverance. Therefore, you should choose whether this way of working is suitable for your child.

Applique from dry leaves

The simplest and easiest form of creative activity is application. It can be created together with the youngest children, using templates, on which dry leaves are pasted.

To create a simple application it is necessary to prepare in advance:

1. Take a landscape sheet of paper and redraw a sample of a lion or a fish.

2. Then ask the child to create a lion:

3. Let's start creating a small fish:

At the same time as the child grows up, you can complicate tasks and use more complex figures.

Creating crafts from autumn leaves together with the child, you not only form emotional-trustful relations with the child, but also develop your creative abilities.