Playing program for children on the street in summer

In the summer, the guys spend more and more time in the open air. Careful parents are thinking how to make the walks fun and interesting. Mom can easily cope with the preparation of a script for a children's game program, which can be held outdoors in the summer. This task does not require special knowledge and skills, it is important only to show imagination. You can consider several options for activities.

Outdoor play in summer for preschoolers

When preparing an event, it is necessary to take into account the age of the children and their interests. Usually the kids are mobile and take part in the offered games with pleasure. It is worth paying attention to such variants of tasks and entertainment.

Puzzles. With them you can start the event. It is possible that the puzzles were thematic, for example, about summer, weather at this time of year, entertainment. In addition, this will help to consolidate some knowledge of kids about this time of year. For example, you can offer such puzzles:

The sun bakes, the lime blossoms,

Does rye ripen when it happens? (Summer)


What a miracle, beauty!

Painted gates!

Seen on the way,

They can not enter, do not enter! (Rainbow)


Not a network, it is not a net,

The fish catches on the hook. (Fishing rod)


You heat the whole world,

And you do not know fatigue,

Smile in the window,

And everyone calls you ... (Sun)

The game "Take the garbage out". First you should remember with the guys how to have fun in nature, for example, in the forest or on the beach. And also discuss that you can not leave behind a garbage. Now you can start the game. Preliminary on the site lay crumpled pieces of paper, and the guys in turn turn their eyes and offer to remove the resting place for a certain time. Anyone who can collect more garbage is declared the winner.

The game "Hot Potatoes". Kids need to get in a circle, they are given a ball. The adult explains to the guys that this is a hot potato, and it can burn your hands. At the command of the guys begin to transfer it to each other, and it should be done as quickly as possible. When the leader says "stop" - the one who has the ball in his hand, is out of the game.

Children's outdoor play program for schoolchildren

The older guys will also be interested in playing. Here are a few options for games that will surely amuse children of school age:

  1. Forest paths. Preliminary on the asphalt colored crayons drawn meandering paths, which invited to go to the guys. Then each participant draws a note, which will indicate how he should do this (jump on two or one leg, go backwards).
  2. Grasshoppers. Children are divided into 2 teams and offer to overcome the distance from the ball, sandwiched between the knees. Participants do this in turn, those who will cope first win.

Also, a game program for children on the street in the summer can include creative tasks. You can divide the guys into teams of several people, give them pencils, markers, Whatman. It is necessary to draw a poster dedicated to the fly and come up with an appropriate slogan.