What alcohol can you drink while losing weight?

Alcoholic beverages are very high in calories. But their energy value is not the same. Before moving on to the question of alcohol permitted during a diet, it is necessary to understand how alcohol affects weight loss. There is an opinion that hot drinks can quickly satisfy the feeling of hunger, so they should be used with various methods of losing weight. However, this statement is fundamentally not true. The energy value of such drinks is very high, so even a small amount of alcohol can easily cover the daily intake of the organism in calories.

Yes, and in a state of intoxication, a person loses the ability to give an account of his actions, as a result of which he can lose control and eat more than he is supposed to. Neither one nor the other factor will not have a positive effect on the appearance of the person who decided to lose weight. Based on the foregoing, it can be concluded that alcohol has a negative impact, both on weight loss and on the health of losing weight. But what to do if you still want to drink, or are there holidays ahead, which you can not do without alcohol? In this case, you can move away from the rules and allow yourself to relax behind a glass with a hot drink. Only it is important in this case to consider the number of calories contained in alcohol.

What alcohol can you drink while losing weight?

When choosing an alcoholic beverage, preference should be given to one that has the least energy value. These include dry white wine . In 100 ml. it contains approximately 65 kcal. We'll figure out what else alcohol can be with losing weight:

But strong alcohol and weight loss are incompatible, so it is better to give it up. It is necessary to completely eliminate vodka, cognac, rum, whiskey, liqueurs and gin.