How to remove subcutaneous fat?

Believe me, you have a great press, it's just hidden under a layer of subcutaneous fat. The conclusion suggests itself: if you want to enjoy the beauty of your press, you should start burning subcutaneous fat. Everything is much easier than you think, and especially if you do not have fatal problems with overweight.


There is a huge list of products that contribute to reducing subcutaneous fat. Simply consuming them, you are already approaching the goal:

As for the diet for burning subcutaneous fat, the first thing that comes to mind is the most low-calorie diet, so that the body quickly consumes the fat layer. But this is not so. Scientists have proved that reducing the caloric content of a daily diet by 300 kcal is the most acceptable for weight loss, in contrast to 500 kcal and even 1000. So, we choose a balanced diet and cut calories just a little.


But this is not the full answer to the question of how to remove subcutaneous fat . Without traffic, you can not do. You need a daily 40 min of cardio and 20 minutes of exercise. This is the most acceptable ratio, because cardiovasities burn much more calories than power (three times). You can choose any cardio workout that you like: