TOP 10 myths about first aid, which can lead to terrible consequences

If you value your health and are worried about others, then you need to be fully armed and know the rules of first aid, confirmed by doctors.

Are you used to applying ice to your bruises or extracting the mote from the eye yourself? Now you will be surprised, it turns out, this can lead to unpleasant consequences. In different situations, it will not be superfluous to have the skills of providing the correct first aid (here it is worth stressing).

1. Popular grandmother's method of knocking down temperature.

Seeing on the thermometer value above 37 °, used to rub the body with vodka or vinegar, but in vain. Scientists have proved that this method is more dangerous than useful, because the fluids are absorbed into the blood, which can lead to poisoning. It is better to drink a lot of warm tea and follow the doctor's instructions.

2. There was a bruise, and got frostbite.

Many, hitting, to prevent the formation of bruises and reduce pain quickly run to the refrigerator to attach to the injured place directly on the skin of ice or any frozen product. This is a serious mistake, as this can cause frostbite. It is important to create a certain barrier between the skin and a cold object, for example, it can be a tissue. By the way, there are special bags designed for cold compresses. Apply cold for 20 minutes, and then, take a break for the same time.

3. To stop the blood from the nose, head back.

This is the most common myth, probably invented by people who do not understand anything in anatomy. Here is the verdict - when the head is thrown over with nosebleeds, blood begins to accumulate in the back of the throat, and this can cause coughing and shortness of breath. What is the right decision? Pinch your nose and leave your head in the normal position. It is better to sit down and relax in such a situation.

4. Too many movements.

If a person is seriously injured, then one should not try to transfer it to another place before the ambulance arrives, because unnecessary movements can aggravate the situation and provoke irreversible complications. The only exception is a dangerous situation for life, for example, a collapse or a fire.

5. Fainting is dangerous.

If a person has fainted, do not try to lift it, as this will create additional pressure. The wrong thing is to water the lying water and try to let it drink drinks that increase the pressure. What should be done? In order to bring a person to the senses and wait for the arrival of an ambulance, unfasten the squeezing pieces of clothing and lift his legs. If the victim has come to his senses, let him lie down for a while.

6. You need to slam in a completely different place.

No one will argue that having noticed that a person has choked, many people start to beat him on the back, and, very few people know why you need to do this (it's weird, is not it?). You should know that such actions can cause the stuck object to slip deeper into the respiratory tract, which is life-threatening. In such a situation it is necessary either to give the victim the chance to cough himself up, or to stand behind him, tilt forward and make sharp pressure on the solar plexus area.

7. Experiments with medicines.

For some reason, many people consider themselves to be experienced doctors, who can independently diagnose themselves and prescribe a suitable medicine. Doctors of such amateur performance are in shock, as people only aggravate their condition. Want to be healthy, then go first to the hospital and only then - to the pharmacy, and not vice versa.

8. Mote in the eye - it does not matter!

Did you feel the sharp pain in your eye? Do not try to remove the mote yourself, as any sloppy movement can cause serious injury. Immediately wash the eye is recommended only when chemicals hit, and in other cases, just cover the eye with a gauze dressing and go to the doctor.

9. It's not borsch, sour cream does not help here.

Summer, sun, sunburn ... Often inattention leads to burns, and here you can not do without proper first aid. What many people are doing in this situation - run to the store for sour cream and abundantly lubricate the affected area. Believe me, this will not only fail to produce results, but will also aggravate the situation. Relief is felt temporarily due to the touch of a cold product, but when dried, sour cream forms a film on the skin, which disrupts heat transfer. It is better to apply a cold compress or if possible to hold the burned place in cold water.

10. In this situation, it is better not to do anything.

Wounds are different, and if a splinter can be removed without thinking, then for serious injuries getting objects from the wound is strictly prohibited, even to the ambulance workers. If you do not comply with this rule, then a heavy bleeding can begin and a person will die, so no matter how terrible the picture, you just need to take the victim to the hospital.