Vaccination against hepatitis A for children

Hepatitis A is a common infectious disease that has a seasonal effect. The incidence usually rises in June-July and reaches a peak around October-November. Botkin's disease is rightly called the problem of "dirty hands", so the main reason for it besides direct contact with the patient is the non-observance of personal hygiene rules. If a person falls ill with it, then repeated infection is no longer possible - immunity is developed forever, but it is better to anticipate the problem with timely vaccination. Among children at risk are those who attend preschool and schoolchildren. In this regard, the issue of vaccinating a child from hepatitis A as an important preventive measure is especially relevant.

Vaccination against hepatitis A - timing

This vaccination in our country is not included in the mandatory calendar, but is recommended. It is also desirable for those who are planning a holiday at sea and in hot countries and mandatory in the event that among the relatives and relatives of the child was a person who fell ill with jaundice. In this case, it should be done within 10 days after contact with the vector of the virus. In this case, the probability will be reduced to a minimum, since the incubation period of the disease is 7-50 days, but on average from 3 weeks to a month. Before the trip, experts advise to be vaccinated approximately 2 weeks before the date - in order for the body to develop immunity. Children can be vaccinated against hepatitis A from the year onwards.

Vaccination against hepatitis A: contraindications

Many parents believe that the harm from vaccinations is much greater than the tangible benefits and this point of view has the right to be. But on the other hand, hepatitis A is a disease that is not so much a symptom and a clinic as dangerous as complications that can result from it, namely, liver damage. Therefore, having weighed the pros and cons, one should still bow in favor of vaccination, if there are no obvious contraindications:

Side effects after vaccination against hepatitis A

Preparations of the vaccine against this disease contain an inactivated virus, so the reaction to vaccination of the baby from hepatitis A is possible, but it proceeds within the limits of the norm, without special complications. In the postvaccination period (up to 3 days) there may be nausea, dizziness, and also a local reaction in the form of the appearance of swelling and redness at the injection site.