How to treat otitis in a child?

Most of the diseases that affect the ear, doctors call otitis. The illness is inflammatory and most often children suffer from it. It is necessary to consult a doctor on time so that he can give certain recommendations. Parents should know how to treat otitis in a child, what methods exist. This will allow you to quickly analyze the information received from the doctor and ask him questions.

How to treat external ear otitis in a child?

This form of the disease develops as a result of infection of the skin near the ear canal. This is possible, for example, when cleaning the ear, combing. At the same time the skin turns red, the passage swells and narrows. Also for the disease characterized by fever, chills, pain. Their cause may be a furuncle.

After the doctor determines the severity of the disease, he will prescribe treatment. In uncomplicated cases it is usually treated with ointments, lotions. In more serious situations, the doctor will offer hospitalization. In the hospital will be carried out therapy with anti-inflammatory and antibacterial drugs.

After the rod in the furuncle is formed, the doctor will conduct his autopsy. Then rinse with hydrogen peroxide, Miramistin. Then recommend to apply bandages with Levomecol.

How to treat otitis media in a child?

The acute form of the disease in most cases occurs against the background of viral infections. She is most susceptible to children with weak immunity, as well as crumbs, which are fed the mixture. Usually, the infection enters the middle ear from the inflamed nasopharynx. In the smallest, the ailment can be triggered by the ingestion of a mixture or breast milk.

Catarrhal otitis is characterized by pain. The little one rubs his ear, sleeps restlessly. The temperature can rise, sometimes they notice diarrhea and vomiting. In a short time, the disease can go into a purulent form, in which the tympanic membrane is affected. This condition can lead to a number of serious complications.

At the first symptoms it is necessary to show the baby to the doctor. He will tell you how to treat acute otitis in a child.

Usually, catarrhal therapy is started with ear drops, for example:

Also effective is the heating with a blue lamp, dry heat.

In more difficult situations, parents will have to learn how to treat purulent otitis in a child. First, it will be necessary to regularly remove pus from the ear, disinfect it with peroxide. You will also need the use of antibiotics. These can be Augmentin , Amoxiclav, Oxacillin.