Day of the Angel of Mary

Maria's name without a guile can be called not only one of the most ancient and revered, but also one of the most common in many cultures of the world. Giving such a name to her baby, parents subconsciously want that its significance had the most beneficial impact on the fate of the child. After all, this name was worn by many outstanding women at all times. Immediately recalled Mary - the mother of Christ, the Blessed Virgin Mary, who prayed to all women, asking for help and intercession. And how many queens, queens and empresses bore this proud name! And also outstanding figures of science, art, politics, public figures. What sense did the ancients put in this name?

The meaning of the name Maria

This proud name has Hebrew origins and is treated by the science of names (onomastics) as "bitter", "stubborn". But also just like "desired", "beloved", "mistress". Maria, managing the destiny of her mistress, gives her such traits as kindness and decency, reliability and humanity. The owners of this sonorous name have an inexhaustible supply of tenderness and love, they are always ready to help the weak and in trouble. Simultaneously with such "gentle" qualities, Marys have a strong character, sometimes even hard, can stand up for themselves.

Maria's name days

And now about the name day. Name days are a holiday of a name. Choosing this biblical name for your little girl and turning to the saints, you can see that Mary's name days are celebrated several times a year (January 31, February 8, 19 and 25, March 2, April 14, April 21 and 25, May 17 and May 19, 5 , 11, 15, 17, 20, 22 and 24 June, 2 and 25 July, 4, 22, 24 and 28 August , 8, 21 and 28 September, 11 October and 11 November). But, distinguish "big" name-day or the main and "small" name-day. So the "great" name-day of Mary (their date) in the church calendar is defined as the day of veneration of any holy Mary, the closest after the physical date of birth of the child. For example, the girl was born on September 20, then the main birthday party is celebrated on September 21. Sometimes this day is also called the day of the angel of the name, in this case Mary. But do not be confused with the day of the guardian angel! On this day, you can arrange a family celebration, go to church, especially since this day is also celebrated the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin. And the rest of the days of venerating the saints with the name Mary are "small" name-days.

Day Angel

But the Angel's day for Mary is the day of Baptism . It is this date that is considered the day when the Guardian Angel is sent from above. No one knows his name, but he will protect Masha from his hardships and tribulations all his life. Do not forget this day to go to the temple and thank your heavenly guardian.