Benefit of pears

Healing properties of various fruits are known to mankind for a very long time, and a pear is no exception. You can use this wonderful product for food not only as a pleasant treat, but also as a natural medicine.

What is the use of a pear?

First of all, the pear is a complete complex that combines vitamins A , B, C, H, K, PP and E. Pear is rich in iron, iodine, zinc, magnesium, potassium, sodium, sulfur, calcium and many other substances. Just by including it in the diet, you are already helping your body.

In addition, the following conditions and diseases can be treated with a pear:

After training, knowledgeable athletes alleviate the pain in the muscles by including fresh pears in the diet. The range of their use is incredibly wide, but it is important to know the measure: 1-2 fetuses per day - enough for the wave.

Benefits of pears for weight loss

Pear is included in the list of foods that enhance metabolism. So, the more often you include it in your diet, the easier the body will cope with excess fatty deposits.

Use pears during a diet is best in a limited number. For example, use this diet for weight loss:

  1. Breakfast - oatmeal porridge with pears without sugar.
  2. The second breakfast is a pear, a glass of water.
  3. Dinner - light meat soup, cabbage salad.
  4. Snack is a slice of cheese, a glass of green tea without sugar.
  5. Dinner - fish or chicken, stewed or baked with vegetables.

On such a diet, you will successfully reduce weight by 1 kg for each week. It is harmless, proper nutrition, and it can be used until the desired result is achieved.