What vitamin is contained in a tomato?

To eat tomatoes in food became quite recently, only in the 18th century. But for two centuries this fruit has so amazed all with the flavoring qualities and useful properties that it is already difficult to present a celebratory feast without it. The tomato is a part of "Caesar", "Greek" salad and many other dishes, using which you saturate the body with vitamins - C, PP, E, K and group B.

Many people know that tomatoes, like oranges with lemons, stand first in the amount of ascorbic acid . On the question - how much vitamin C in a tomato, different sources provide figures from 10 to 12 mg per 100 g of product, depending on the type of tomatoes. Ascorbic acid is a wonderful antioxidant that removes harmful compounds from the body. Thanks to vitamin C, the vessels acquire elasticity and elasticity, the cellular membranes of the nasal mucosa become more dense and do not allow penetration of viruses. Ascorbic acid is involved in the production of certain enzymes, due to which the lipid metabolism is normalized.

Vitamin composition of tomato

  1. Vitamin E. Tocopherol is needed to maintain skin tone. Thanks to the fact that tomato contains a lot of vitamin E, using this product, you keep your youth, because this vitamin is involved in processes that naturally tighten the skin. Tocopherol takes an active part in the development of female sex hormones, therefore, with its deficiency, various diseases begin.
  2. Vitamin A. In tomatoes, there is carotene, which in the body turns into vitamin A. This biologically active substance optimizes the work of the retina, so tomatoes are especially indicated for eating elderly people. But for babies, vitamin A is indispensable, as it promotes the growth of bones and epithelial tissue.
  3. B vitamins . In tomatoes are contained В1, В2, В5, В6, В9 and В12. Each of them has its own unique benefit for the human body. For example, B12 is necessary for improving memory and other brain processes, and vitamin B 5 is involved in the production of red blood cells.
  4. Vitamin PP . What an important vitamin is still contained in the tomato and is shown in the diet, since it is PP, normalizing lipid metabolism. Nicotinic acid lowers cholesterol, is involved in all metabolic processes, i.e. normalizes metabolism, so it helps to lose weight.

It is especially important to use tomatoes for pregnant women, since they contain enough vitamins and minerals that cause the normal reproductive function of the female body. In tomatoes, the concentration of vitamins C , E, A is optimally balanced and there are iron, potassium, sodium, phosphorus, calcium and magnesium. These minerals are vital compounds for the human body, maintain the acid-base balance in the optimal state, participate in the production of all enzymes and many hormones.