Why are mussels useful?

Man has been using mussels for several millennia. What is useful in mussels and how they attract attention is a natural question. Mussels are made up of practically pure protein, perfectly nourish the body and are a wonderful dietary product.

The daily norm of vitamin E is contained in only 100 grams of mussels. In addition, they have vitamin C, D, F, B, as well as calcium, iodine, iron, phosphorus and zinc. Squirrel in mussels is more than even in fish and beef.

Useful properties of mussels

Due to the rich content of vitamin E, mussels are a powerful antioxidant. Mussels are useful in that they protect the body cells from negative influences, maintain the skin in good condition, prevent cancer, maintain the cardiovascular system of the body.

Mussels, which are sold in stores, are mainly grown artificially. But this fact does not have a negative impact on them. Mussels grown in an artificial environment are usually more fleshy, within such mussels there is not too much sand, they are just as useful and contain all those vitamins that mussels possess from their natural habitat. Serve these shellfish better with parsley and butter.

Are mussels useful to men?

Protein is very important for the body of men. He is the source of strength and efficiency, positively affects the emotional state and mental activity, supports the muscles in the form. In addition, the protein helps to produce the main male sex hormone - testosterone. Like most seafood, mussels increase potency.

Zinc, contained in mussels, has a special effect on the body of a man. It also contributes to the production of testosterone. The lack of zinc in the body of a man can lead to infertility. Mussels are a natural aphrodisiac, they can even increase reproductive function.

Useful properties of mussels for women

Mussels contain a large amount of iodine. It is necessary for normal functioning of the thyroid gland. Mussels are quite a dietary product. In 150 grams of mussels contains only 129 calories. So you can safely include mussels in the diet .

These mollusks are a secret of beauty and fertility. They should be in the diet of every woman. Scientists have proved that mussels have a fruitful effect on maintaining the health of hair, nails and skin and help to get rid of female infertility. This is due to the effect on the improvement of the mucous membrane of the cervix.