Can I fly early in pregnancy?

Pregnancy makes adjustments in the life of every future mother. Someone with fear begins to treat literally everything, but someone continues to live the life habitual for her. Very much depends on how the pregnant woman feels. There are situations, hitting in which, to predict the reaction of the body well, it's simply impossible. At least because not every day we, for example, sit on the plane to spend an unforgettable vacation or visiting their relatives. Is it possible to fly in the early stages of pregnancy, so that it was guaranteed safely - one of those questions, to which an unequivocal answer, perhaps, no one knows.

Doctors explain that you can fly early in pregnancy if there are no contraindications. And this concerns not only the "interesting situation" and the fetus, but also the future mother. If you know that you have a disease that can complicate the course of pregnancy during the flight, then just better abandon this idea.

The first trimester of pregnancy is the most dangerous with regard to its spontaneous interruption. These are miscarriages, frozen and ectopic pregnancies. Talk to the doctor who is watching you. Most likely, he will assign you an ultrasound. This is necessary to determine if you are not at risk.

What will the ultrasound show?

  1. Ectopic pregnancy. At this type of complicated pregnancy, the future mummies are immediately offered hospitalization and surgical intervention. However, if you still decide to postpone the operation and fly, then bear in mind that there is a high probability that with a pressure drop you may have a rupture of the fallopian tube. With a two-hour flight to save you, alas, no one will succeed.
  2. Tonus of the uterus. This is one of those moments in which pregnant women recommend rest and bed rest. But if you all decided that this is not about you, then think about the fact that when the plane takes off and landed, the organism of the future mother experiences sharp pressure surges, which will provoke an even stronger tone of the uterus, and accordingly the risk of miscarriage. That's why you can not fly in the early stages of pregnancy, if you have found a similar condition.
  3. Placenta previa. This is one of the most dangerous situations for a pregnant woman. It consists in the fact that the placenta occupies an incorrect presentation, attaching too low to the wall of the uterus, partially or completely overlapping the inner cervical pharynx. At the same time, the pregnant woman perfectly feels herself and her condition does not foretell any trouble. However, when the pressure changes, the inner shed can open, leading to a partial placental abruption or miscarriage. It is hardly possible to fly pregnant in the early stages of this diagnosis, if you want to tolerate a healthy baby.

Of course, ultrasound can not predict the development of all situations, but to answer the question of whether you can fly on an airplane in the early stages of pregnancy without unnecessary fear for the life of your baby, for sure.

What other risks are there?

In addition to changing the pressure during the flight, the woman will face a decrease in the amount of oxygen on board the aircraft. This should be borne in mind, because Excess carbon dioxide in the body of a pregnant woman can lead to hypoxia of the fetus. Although, in fairness, it should be noted that in the early stages of such officially recorded cases were not.

Do not use the services of airlines if:

In the first case, there is still the risk of losing a long-awaited pregnancy, and in the second - it will not be entirely convenient more from aesthetic considerations than from fears of abortion. If you have the opportunity to take a little flight, then do it. Toxicosis closer to the second trimester, usually weakened, and you can safely travel.

So, is it dangerous to fly early in pregnancy for a future mother and a baby - not if you did ultrasound and did not fall into a risk group. And also, if you are not afraid of this trip. After all, as is known, the baby feels what his mother feels, and unnecessary stress is not needed.