8 months of pregnancy - this is how many weeks?

Young young mothers often have confusion with the definition of gestation. That is why the question concerning that, 8 months of pregnancy is how many in weeks, doctors often hear. Give him an answer and briefly describe this period of gestation, focusing on changes in the body of the child and the future mother.

From what week does the 8 month pregnancy begin?

First answer to this question, we will tell about some features of calculating the term by midwives.

So, for the convenience of mathematical calculations in obstetrics, it is conventionally considered that the month lasts exactly 4 weeks (ie 28 days, unlike the usual calendar - 30-31). Such a month is often called obstetric.

Given the above fact, every woman in 8 months of pregnancy can calculate how much it is in weeks, multiplying the time by 4.

As a result, it turns out that the 8 month gestation begins at 32 weeks and lasts up to 35 inclusive.

What happens to the baby in the womb at 8 months old?

Given that the third trimester of pregnancy is characterized by intensive growth of the fetus and increasing its body weight, free space in the uterus is becoming less. By this time the child has a weight of about 2500 grams, and the length of his body varies between 40-45 cm. That's why the future mother may notice that the baby is not as active as before.

The appearance of the baby at this time is already fully formed. The face becomes roundish and smooth, due to a large layer of subcutaneous fat. Cartilages located in the ears and nose harden. There is a gradual disappearance of the gun from the surface of the body.

The internal organs of the infant are already formed and functioning by this moment. The nervous system undergoes its further development in the form of mastering the baby by new reflexes, the formation of neural connections between the cells of the brain. The bones of the skull at this time are quite soft, which is necessary for painless passage of the baby through the birth canal.

In the liver, there is an accumulation of iron, which is necessary for the process of hematopoiesis.

The maximum development is achieved by the adrenal glands, which, despite their usual size, produce 10 times more hormones, than in an adult.

How does the future mother feel at this time?

Due to the high placement of the mother's bottom, a woman often experiences discomfort associated with the process of breathing. Often at this time, shortness of breath and a feeling of lack of air.

Special attention is paid to the weight of the pregnant woman at this time. So, in normal body weight increases by 300 g per week. If this indicator exceeds 500 g, this may indicate a latent edema that requires medical attention.