Dufaston withdrawal during pregnancy

Dyufaston is a natural, but still hormonal drug that is used to preserve pregnancy in case of confirmed progesterone insufficiency. It can be prescribed only by a specialist, just like recommending how to cancel djufaston. However, some recommendations for admission can be found on the Internet.

How correctly to take djufaston?

About how to drink dyufaston during pregnancy you will surely tell the doctor. As a rule, pregnant women are recommended to observe equal intervals between taking the tablets, since the drug maintains a stable level of hormones in the body. In some cases, once taken to take a shock dose of the drug, and then taking at regular intervals 2-3 tablets a day.

How much to drink djufaston at pregnancy?

If a miscarriage threatens, doctors can prescribe duphaston before the symptoms disappear, followed by cancellation. However, more often experts recommend drinking the drug to 12-16 weeks. When this period is reached, a scheme for the cancellation of dufaston during pregnancy is drawn up, which must be carefully adhered to. Abrupt abolition causes a drop in the level of hormones in the body, which can lead to problems with bearing.

How to cancel djufaston at pregnancy?

The abolition of dyufastone, especially in the case of proven progesterone insufficiency, should be performed according to a strict scheme. Typically, this is a reduction in the dose by a third or half every few days. Completely the drug is canceled for two weeks. After canceling Dufaston, you can continue to lead a normal lifestyle.

If the pregnancy was saved up to 12 weeks, then the probability of a successful outcome increases at times. Miscarriage after dulaston cancellation happens rarely and can be caused only by a complex of unfavorable causes.