Panaritium on the arm - treatment at home

A splinter , a small burr and any other damage to the skin of the finger can lead to the infection of soft tissues and the penetration of pathogenic flora, streptococci and staphylococci. As a result, often there is a panace on the arm - treatment at home for this disease is permissible, but undesirable. The purulent focus all the time increases, quickly hitting the surrounding healthy tissue, and can penetrate very deeply, down to the phalangeal bone.

Is it possible to treat finger felony at home?

Self-management of inflammation is allowed only in the event of skin felon. Other types of suppuration are subject exclusively to surgical treatment, during which the opening of the infected cavity is performed, its purification and disinfection.


  1. Any home therapies, panaritium are effective only at the initial stage of the pathology, in the first 24-48 hours.
  2. With an increase in body temperature, increased lymph nodes, severe soreness and swelling of the finger, one should immediately go to the doctor.
  3. You can not try to open, pierce or squeeze out an abscess on your own.

How to cure panaritics at home?

There are many different recipes to combat inflammation. It is desirable to immediately exclude all the methods that require heating. Such procedures can provoke an intensification of the pathological process, an increase in the amount of pus and its spread to healthy tissues.

All kinds of baths are suitable only as preparatory measures and post-processing of the skin.

Effective treatment:

  1. To the affected area, attach a piece of bandage, folded several times, which is covered with a thick layer of Vishnevsky ointment .
  2. Carefully fix the compress, wrap it with polyethylene in 1 layer, put on the fingertip.
  3. The dressing should be changed 2 times a day, giving the finger a "rest" for 1.5 hours.

Usually after 24 hours the tumor falls off, and the amount of pus decreases noticeably.

How in the future to treat panaritium at home?

After the above procedures, it is recommended to make warm baths of soda and water (1 tablespoon per 100 ml). They help to disinfect the place of origin of panaricium.

In addition to clean the cavity of the remains of pus and speed up the healing of tissues can be with the help of Levomekol. From it you need to do compresses on the damaged area, apply a bandage 2-3 times a day for 1-2 days.