Wen on head

Lipomas are soft subcutaneous formations. Outwardly they look like a round tumor. Widgets are formed on the head, trunk, limbs - anywhere. As a rule, they appear in places where subcutaneous fat accumulates most. They are usually considered to be benign tumors, and lipoma problems are usually not created. But still most patients prefer to fight them - away from sin.

The causes of the appearance of Wen's head

Most often lipomas form on the scalp and in the forehead. Weners are soft here and you can easily roll them under the skin. There are educations and denser. These are formed if the connective tissues are affected. In addition, the density is affected by the depth of the ball - the deeper, the less soft it is.

The reasons for the appearance of fatty glands on the head are different. Very often, people with pathology of fat cells and bad metabolism have to suffer. Lime formation can also be facilitated by:

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The main feature of the lime tree is that they constantly increase in size. This is due to the growth of fatty tissues. The consequences of the phenomenon are different. Someone and after the tumor grows large, does not feel any discomfort. But it also happens that the neoplasm begins to put pressure on the adjacent tissues, organs, nerve endings. Against this backdrop zhirovik on the head can hurt and in every possible way reminisce about his presence.

To think about the removal of lipoma should be in such cases:

  1. Immediately it is recommended to fight with swelling on the face. Do not let it grow - the more it becomes, the higher the chance that there will be a scar.
  2. Particularly unpleasant are the fatty eyelids .
  3. Surgical intervention is indicated for children older than five years.

What kind of doctor should I contact with a zhirovik on my head? Dermatologists, cosmetologists are engaged in treatment of this problem. Before sending to the removal specialists must take a puncture and study the contents of the ball.

One of the ways to remove a wen on your head is to inject a special medicinal composition into it that promotes resorption of the fat layer. This method is effective, but it is advisable to resort to it only in those cases when the diameter of the lipoma does not exceed three centimeters. The results of drug treatment become noticeable for earlier than a couple of weeks. And to complete the education, it will take an average of two months.

For a long time, the removal of the adipocytes on the head was carried out by surgical excision. The procedure involved the incision and removal of tumor-forming tissues. Sometimes such operations were even conducted under general anesthesia. A large defect is considered to be scars left on the skin.

Fortunately, modern technologies have corrected many shortcomings. Endoscopy, for example, allows you to get the lipoma-forming tissues through the incision on the tissue adjacent to the swelling. At the end of a special device - an endoscope - a camera, the video from which is displayed on the screen, so that the doctor can fully control the process.

Extremely popular is the procedure for removing the wen on your head with a laser. It is absolutely painless and has no contraindications. Elimination of fat tissues is effective in outpatient settings. In this case, the operation does not last long, and there are no traces on the skin after the intervention.